Agreed. Would be nice if this was toggle-able. Would also love to be able to set how dimmed the text of the read posts becomes (would like it even darker).
May add a toggle later for it but probably not changing how dim the text is any time soon
Oh shoot i can fix that today
I’m a fan of the icon. It makes picking up my feed after setting my phone down easier. I get that it’s a duplicative indicator if the text is greyed out, but I liked the addition.
I would choose the icon over greyed titles out of the two. Legibility in dark mode of read titles is not great.
Ohh that’s what that icon is for. I was about to make a post asking what it indicated. Yeah it sure does seem redundant m, but not quite sure how I feel about it yet.
Just to add, this new icon indicating read status is handy on the “sleepy rainforest” theme since the read font color on it looks the same as unread (at least to me. I think it’s changing ever so slightly but it’s hard to tell).
Ah yea some themes may need tweaking, adding so many at once didnt make it easy to test them all lol
Hey I’ll take lots of (if we’re being frank, beautiful) themes quickly rather than slowly drawn out. I’m good with either way though honestly. This app is really impressive.
Test reply.
Could the icon have a bit of padding on the right? I like it but it’s very close to the text
I don’t mind the mark, but agree a toggle would be nice. I would like to see a little spacing between the icon and the username, though. For some reason it really bothers me lol.
I agree, spacing would make it look a lot less cramped
If the spacing is fixed, I would very much prefer to have the option to turn off “greying out” and keep the icon.
The reason is that the greyed out text is the exact same colour as the text at the bottom of the posts and the exact same colour as the divider between posts which is very thin anyways. That creates an area where it’s not easy on the eyes to discern differences between posts.
So either the greyed out text needs to change colour, or the text at the bottom (username, voting, instance etc) needs to change colour, or the divider needs to become more prominent (thicker, darker or similar).
That’s why I’m thinking maybe it’s easier to just have the option to toggle greying out and keep only the icon.