Watching with a devious grin from behind your DM shield as one of your players foolishly becomes potassium deficient on a march
Your 15-minutes of post-combat looting recovers…
-ten dice rolls later-
Three arrows, saving you …
-twenty seconds of math-
0.3 copper!
Inventory management can be fun if implemented well by the system. See Traveller. “We’ve got 3dT of cargo space left. The locals are paying crap for petrochemicals but they’re having a fire sale on marble. If we basically give away that benzene that no one’s bought in 3 months, we can fill up on marble that some architect will definitely snatch up at the next class A starport.”
D&D: individual poundage
Pathfinder 2: Abstracted Bulk
Lancer: Pick up half your mech or more if you get the right loadout
“Oh, I just put them into the portable hole for convenience.”
Step 1) Cut a hole in the bag of holding
Step 2) Put your dick in the bag of holding
Step 3) Have your desired person open the bag of holding
Step 1.5) The bag of holding is destroyed and all your items are scattered across the Astral Plane