This is going to be interesting.
Discussions like this always make me happy to go back to look at the Linux Distro Family Tree
opensuse is one of the roots / oldest distros, along side debian, redhat and fedora.
Still surprised suse as a distro is around given the huge numbers of popular forks of debian and redhat.
That’s good news, isn’t it?
Yes. And this isn’t a knee-jerk reaction from them. They’ve been working on a CentOS clone ever since Red Hat decided to make it more unstable and cutting edge. So it’s quite natural for them to step in and do this.
So what will SUSE’s plan be for the SUSE fork to maintain compatibility going forward - won’t they have the same problems accessing RHEL source code as Rocky and Alma to maintain compatibility?
The source code will still be available, the GPL2 still applies. As far as I understand, RedHat will publish the upstream code that will eventually end up in RHEL. This article can explain it better than I can: