Sorry haha. Maybe we can hope for a re-release on Switch 2.
I’ve somehow never played it. It’s definitely on my list.
I’ll check back again next year then, hahaha.
How did your modding turn out?
You captured her perfectly.
Sometimes very cool and serious retro gamers need to feel wholesome.
Thank you! I was shooting through the glass. You can see some of the light reflections from the glass on the front of the jellyfish and the lower left is a big ugly indicator, haha.
Derp. I should’ve looked it up.
He looks like a water skipper.
Running through old content with friends new to the game. It’s been fun completing stuff that I missed.
I really like that BRD songs can be played without a target in sight.
When will Kaiyoko become initiated to our Lemmy club?
An unexpected but super awesome update.
That Easter egg is hilarious.
Thank you! I will check them out. I’d love to support my fellow art junkies.
I find these ads equally fascinating and cringe. Edgy male teenager humor to the max, though that was the prime demographic they were marketing to.