Maybe he likes getting screwed.
Maybe he likes getting screwed.
Number 15,
Student Defecates in the classroom
Whoah, where’s the black bar over his eyes.
I appreciate that you put some reputable sources, rather than relying on a random tweet/post.
I like the consept of them being ‘evil’ lol.
Best dirt house there is
I would’ve liked some red arrows with it.
‘As children grow up they become more independent’, apparently privacy doesn’t apply in this case. I’m sure some students are annoyed at that fact that people trust them less and less.
Government when the elites use loopholes and do devious shit:
I sleep
Government when the peasants use loopholes:
Straight to jail
cutest insect
I’ll bet that when someone touches it they’ll die an horrible death.
As a vampire I finally found a use for my expresso machine
You don’t want to know what an astrophysicist does in their free time.
I mean maturity is a social construct
COPPA is a joke sometimes, they don’t really protect and like other American orgs it probably is lobbied.
The best case would be to protect everyone’s privacy, not just the children OR teens. And if they wanted to help then they would’ve outlined other orgs like Facebook - but that’s an American org.
Unfortunately still doesn’t explain what to do when you’re covered in piss 😔
Trends like this is like trickle down economics. If the adults find fun in using it the teens will use it, and then the children will catch on. I would argue it being illegal also encourages minors to get it; so even If they enforced it better, there would be people willing to take risks.
A what now? Are they trying to setup a circus.
They should also change their name to ClosedAI while they’re at it.