Baldur’s Gate 3 ritual spells allow you to cast magic without using a skill slot, meaning you can wield your powers and speak with as many animals as you wish.

  • ThayWiz GwarM
    1 year ago

    What level up bug? I’m still early on in my run, but this is the first I’ve heard of any such issue.

    (I scribe all available spells. I will know them all.)

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Basically, the game forces you to choose two spells when leveling up; until you do, you can’t finish levelling. If you have insufficient spells available to learn (by way of scribing all spells that could be available to learn on level up), your Wizard gets softlocked at their current level. Can only happen on even levels, and only if you’ve been really meticulous about collecting spell scrolls. Just be sure to leave at least two spells unlearned going into even level ups, and you won’t have any issues.