Web Summit CEO Paddy Cosgrave steps down in wake of controversy over his Israel comments::Paddy Cosgrave said his “personal comments have become a distraction from the event, and our team, our sponsors, our startups and the people who attend.”
Web Summit CEO Paddy Cosgrave steps down in wake of controversy over his Israel comments::Paddy Cosgrave said his “personal comments have become a distraction from the event, and our team, our sponsors, our startups and the people who attend.”
By whom exactly?
Tell me you know nothing about the law of international armed conflict without telling me you know nothing about the law of international armed conflict.
This is also not how war crimes work. “They started it” is for the playground.
By the International Criminal Court for example. They are also investigating possible war crimes…and leave your fucking twitter catchphrases out of a discussion if you want to be taken seriously…
No shit young Sherlock, but I never hear that the actions of the Hamas besides their initial attack, are condemned as war crimes. They are using hospitals as deposits for their equipment and hide between the civilians or actively prevent them from fleeing.
Which makes those targets valid ones. Still a very grey area but not necessarily a war crime as everyone is shouting here.
Guess who is not a signatory of the ICC treaty.
If Israel were to accede it would be a cause for great celebration.
I don’t need you to take me seriously. I want you to understand that I’m not taking you seriously.
If your best case is “It might not technically be a war crime”, you are not in a great position.
You: Accuse Israel of war crimes
They: Prove that Israel technically didn’t commit any war crime
You: tHaT’s NoT a GoOd ArGuMeNt
I’m not saying I agree with everything Israel is doing, but calling their actions war crimes when they’re not is just wrong. I hate to break it to you, but insisting on a lie doesn’t make it any more true.
Did not. Show proof.
It still is valid and it is a much more trustworthy source then some degenerated terror organisations or some users on social media…
Yeah but I just don’t give a fuck what some random internet dipshit thinks of me…so lets end it here.
Just sign the fucking treaty then.
Enough excuses.
and then what? Everybody is to afraid to take actions like with that russian cunt in the kreml? And will Hamas do the same?
Then you subject yourself to the jurisdiction of an independent international court that is empowered to investigate war crimes. Which is exactly what this thread is about.
Are you paying attention?
Also not a signatory. Were Russia to join the treaty, I would again be dancing in the streets.
That’s the beauty of the treaty. War crimes committed against a signatory or on a signatories territory are covered. It protects Israel regardless of who perpetrates the war crimes.
Sign it. There’s no reason not to.
Unless of course the entire point is to do war crimes, deny them, and get away with them because of the lack of international accountability mechanism.
to your answers, not that much. I thought this thread is about a CEO who had to step down because of some tweets on that idiot platform twitter…
No, that’s what the post is about. The thread, that you started, is about war crimes and their adjudication.