The products are advertised online as a kind of golden ticket that will help propel Trump’s 2024 bid and make the “real patriots” who support him rich when they are cashed in.
Oh the money I could make if I didn’t have morals. It turns out some people really are that dumb.
I’m from Vancouver, Canada. Waaaaaay back, the Canadian dollar was up on the American, and the local classic rock dj called a Walmart in Texas to ask if he could buy a bbq with Canadian dollars. The lady on the line’s response was basically this. I think I remember it verbatim, but I could be off a bit:
Honey, we only take American dollars here…so why don’t you go back to Canadia and exchange your fake money for real ones, come on back and you can get a bbq.
Yeah. I don’t expect to use USD in the middle of nowhere France or Germany when Euros exist. The exchange rate doesn’t really matter: the store isn’t equipped to take that currency.
“listen sweetheart, we’re in AMERICA right now, yeah? Well these were sent direct from the AMERICAN PRESIDENT, and you’re telling me they’re NO GOOD?”
No, Sir, I said he is NO PRESIDENT, now we good?! Cuz Ima need to see AMERICAN DOLLARS for direct deposit.
I’m from Vancouver, Canada. Waaaaaay back, the Canadian dollar was up on the American, and the local classic rock dj called a Walmart in Texas to ask if he could buy a bbq with Canadian dollars. The lady on the line’s response was basically this. I think I remember it verbatim, but I could be off a bit:
Honey, we only take American dollars here…so why don’t you go back to Canadia and exchange your fake money for real ones, come on back and you can get a bbq.
I don’t know, I think the radio shock jock got what he deserved.
Yeah. I don’t expect to use USD in the middle of nowhere France or Germany when Euros exist. The exchange rate doesn’t really matter: the store isn’t equipped to take that currency.
Here in Michigan, we don’t blink about taking Canadian pennies because they are common and banks take them. In Texas, I wouldn’t expect that.
?!? We dont even have Canadian Pennies in Canada.
I still have a jar full.
No idea what to do with them.