Young People YouTube - Lemmy.world
lemmy.worldToddlers who are just too young to understand what is going on. NO YOUTUBE
SHORTS!!! Rules: 1. Mods have the discretion of removing posts that they deem to
be shitposts or satire. Please don’t shitpost on this community; it is made for
one thing. What we consider shitposts are: META posts which aren’t about the
community, rickroll posts, selfposts, and satire posts. Shitpost sunday is an
exception, and please flair your shitposts as “SUNDAY SHITPOST”, but please try
to keep it meta. 2. Censor the kid’s username (if a channel) and personal info.
Make sure to censor the channel name. For comments: we remove posts in which the
username is something very unique that can be found from a simple search.
Something like “johnsmith” wouldn’t be removed. Do not witchhunt any children.
We try to be a safe community, and most of these are supposed to be funny in
terms of randomness. We do not tolerate nor promote witchhunting and will not
take responsibility for the actions done by others. Do not post the link to the
video you post in the comments. 3. Screenshots of YouTube shorts aren’t allowed
These types of posts are really unoriginal and not even funny. However comments
from YouTube shorts are allowed 4. It must be on Social Media! (No Reddit). Read
the friggin’ community name. Things like videogame chats, Discord, texting
groups, and DMs are not considered social media. App reviews belong at
!youngpeoplegoogleplay, not here! 5. No “Stop disliking my videos”/“Who unsubbed
from me” posts Posts based on kids asking people to not dislike them/who
unsubscribed from them are not allowed on this community, because they are super
excessive. 6. Posts must be of comments/videos made BY young people, not FOR
young people. Videos targeted to children are not allowed as they are not
uploaded by young people. 7. Racist, anti-LGBT and furry-hate posts will be
removed. These posts are super excessive and not funny. Also, these are often
posted/commented by edgy teenagers, not young people. 8. No search result posts.
Search results often show videos targeted to young people, not made by them.
Also, your little sibling searching up stuff on YouTube is easy to fake. 9. No
reposts Refrain from posting anything that has been posted on this comment
previously. Common reposts: https://imgur.com/a/gBFv5S0
[https://imgur.com/a/gBFv5S0] I Yelled BIG CHUNGUS In a Walmart:
10. No Malicious Behaviour This is not a hateful community. It’s for friendly,
good-faith appreciation and mockery of kids’ YouTube comments. So don’t attempt
to dox, harass, intimidate or harm anybody from a screenshot posted to this
community or any of the community’s users. (Original rule by u/SillyConclusion0
on r/youngpeopleyoutube) 11. Posts of children asking to be on the community
aren’t allowed. Defeats the point of the community. Same rule applies if they
are asking to not be on the community, or if they are aware of the community at
all. 12. Posts of videos/comments saying that a YouTuber deserves death or a
disease is not allowed. These people are looking for attention and posting them
to the community is only giving them what they want. 14. Mark NSFW posts as
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]