• @[email protected]
    283 months ago

    You’d have to attract users with useful knowledge. The site is filled with posts being only a link and 0 comments. The domain will be pushed down just by the low total score it will get. It took Reddit perhaps 10 years to get to the top of ranks, and that was with great content

    • Max-P
      43 months ago

      It does set the canonical URL tags however which should help Google know those are equivalent URLs and to not flag it as duplicate.

      But that also means instances have to rank on their own content, none of the fediverse mirrored ones so it’ll seriously limit how much the fediverse as a whole can compete with Reddit which have all the content at the same place.

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    Infiltrate a search engine and develop fediverse-aware indexing that boost fedi pages in search results based on engagement and reach.

  • Bob Smith
    93 months ago

    Realistically? For mainstream search? In anything like the top-level results that most people bother to read?

    Nowadays, you need to pay Google more than the SEO companies do. Either that, or hope that people specifically search for lemmy posts as part of their search request.