Except it’s not the Last Supper. It’s the Feast of the Gods.
The modern Olympic Games come from the games held in Olympia, in the Ancient Greece. The blue guy is the foreground at the end of the show is Dionysus/Bacchus, God of Feasts and Wine.
MAGA is outraged that drag queens were used to portray a painting created by [checks notes] a gay guy.
When aren’t they outraged lmao. Weak ass motherfuckers.
This has to be a portrayal of the last supper devised as a clever scheme to upset Christians. I know this because at no other point in history have people ever been gathered around a table.
Aww, did the snowflakes get their fefes hurt? Pfft, suck it up kids. There’s more people in this world than just you, and that ain’t changing no matter how hard you kick and scream about it.
Expecting the world to not offend you sounds awful snowflakey to me.
Conservatives are such a drag.
How was anyone supposed to know that Christians secretly adopted long tables as a holy symbol and that gathering behind them is now a sin?
Can I just go one day without them freaking about other people’s freedoms? Can they just mind their own fuckin business for once? Please?
That’s the one thing they cannot do. It would be such a better world if all of the busybody Karens could just mind their own business for the rest of their fucking lives, but they just won’t. They think they should get to tell everyone how to live their lives.
You remember when Islamists were outraged over some caricatures? Remember Christians on their high horse telling you “Christians aren’t like that, we’d let them say their piece and turn the other cheek”?
Rankles 😂
Uh oh, someone needs to talk to the Manager
is there a video of the performance available anywhere? i’ve tried searching for it but all i can find are whiny conservatives complaining about it
The whole opening was very French. I especially liked the end. Never liked Celine Dion much, but her rendition of Edith Piaf’s “Hymne A L’Amour was superb.
Anyway, NBC got wind of people stealing their IP and locked it down with take down notices going across the web.