"It is like a scene from a horror movie… It’s like something from America, not like sunny Southport.”
That really hits hard.
Damn, my little girl would love something like a Taylor Swift dance party. I feel so terrible for those kids and adults who had to experience that.
“Britain’s worst attack on children occurred in 1996, when 43-year-old Thomas Hamilton shot 16 kindergarten pupils and their teacher dead in a school gymnasium in Dunblane, Scotland. The U.K. subsequently banned the private ownership of almost all handguns.”
And here we see the “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” side of the argument. Sure you take away the gun related deaths, but are stabbings any better?
Either way, I hope the perp gets the chair. Unless they don’t have the death sentence in the UK, then ship him to Texas, we’ll cook him to a pile of ash.
Stabbings are significantly better. Chances of recovering from a stab wound are much higher than from a gunshot. Stabbings also have to be done at close range rather than from afar. The rate of stabbings in the UK did not increase and are at the same rate as they are in the US.
Not with that electrical grid you’re not.
Here’s the actual article from AP: https://apnews.com/article/uk-southport-stabbing-police-britain-fe16d43c8fc92b7b19c63ba4889c4850
It’s like something from America, not like sunny Southport.
I know how we’re viewed and rightfully so, but damn this made me feel shame.
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