I haven’t heard of this. I make my personal websites from scratch in html and css using notepad++. I should probably modernize…
Not git, Perforce, but I used to have a guy on my team that would do weeks of work without checking in. 1000s of lines in 10s of files.
I gave him shit for every code review, every time we had 1-on-1s, and while he was doing his tasks. Nothing got through to him.
So I just kept dragging him back on check-ins. I’d nitpick the shit out of every line (and normally I hated that.) His stuff would inevitably break the build or be full of bugs anyway (duh) so I never felt bad that I was holding back his career since he was never getting things done “on time.”
If you can’t/won’t break your work down into smaller chunks you aren’t a skilled programmer and/or don’t have respect for the people you work with who have to review your shit.
How often does this happen? What is it costing your friends? Are they sneaking it to you? Are they the purveyor of the establishment?
In any case, if you were only going to spend $5, you don’t have to accept the full $20 worth of food/drink. You could say, “oh I was only planning on spending around $5 tonight, this is too much, but thanks.” Or if the somewhat direct approach feels awkward, max out your tip at what you were originally going to spend. If it’s not enough, they’ll stop giving you so much.
Well it finally changed the 8th time I pressed it, so checkmate.
Shouldn’t Google and Apple go to jail for distribution?
I haven’t heard about this? What’d he do?
Which one is Gen-Z again?
Why? Is there a difference? (I haven’t tried the new one and haven’t used Origin in years)
When Epic started hiring every software engineer in video games they flipped that red curve, at least to the right of that blue line.
I make sure to never get attached to one brew so I can drink it anywhere, anytime. I’ll drink instant without hot water if I need to (and not just frappe.)
I still have RiF installed for the nostalgia.
Usually heat management (which means they probably didn’t install sufficient cooling).
Thank you!
I’ve seen it first hand. Repeated statements by the corp execs asking for one thing, studio directors trying to push something else.
I mean, I’ve also seen execs ask for ridiculous shit as well, I’m just saying sometimes it really does come from the studios themselves.
To be fair, I don’t think all of the blame can be laid on execs. Game directors and Art directors are often the source of the issue.
I’ve seen execs come to a studio and say: “Make something AAA, a single player game with unique gameplay and a great 10 hour story, and get it done in a couple of years. Don’t worry about the bottom line, we want a showcase experience.”
Then the directors come back with: “Okay, showcase you say? How about a AAAA 20v20 open world multiplayer shooter (nobody is doing that!), SaaS (to keep’em coming back), with ultra realistic graphics (it’ll be epically fun that way), a $100million budget (we’ll outsource to save money), MTX so we can make tons of money (we get profit sharing right?), and we do it in 3 years (for work-life balance)?”
Devs are just sitting there shaking their heads and thinking… “Here we go again…”
I’ve always disliked how washed out BotW looks. It’s like they could only process limited colours so they reduced the contrast and everything is light grey with a hint of colour.
I don’t think anyone has mentioned: being very competitive.
It’s more a commentary on your writing style, but the potential for satireality is written all over it.