It took years grabbing these as they’ve popped up for decent prices, just recently grabbed V to finish it off. Wish III had been released as a GBA cart.
Have you confirmed they are genuine?
Yes I have, I open up every cart I purchase used and give it a good clean before testing it in a system. They are all genuine carts (and the DS FFIII I bought new on release).
Are counterfeit carts a concern?
Yeah gameboy games are commonly counterfeited. At best it’ll be the same experience, but that’s not guaranteed.
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing.
I bought all the GBA FF games off eBay and only received counterfeit ones :-/ At least the ones I got don’t have batteries in them. Saving makes the games freeze for a small time but other than that they are working.
Completed the FF V GBA counterfeit on a DS lite. Ended up playing through the DS versions of III and IV, also off eBay, which do not seem to be fakes fortunately.
Final Fantasy 3 i think was the first rpg game I ever played as a kid that really sucked me in.
>no tactics advance 2
I think that’s DS and not GBA. FF3 is posted in the pic because it was only released on DS and not GBA so the only way to have the “full” set is by showing 3 as the lone DS game.
Oh shit. Didn’t even realize that game boy is one from the next ruled my childhood so I don’t think I really notice the change from one to the next looking back, but Ashley love everything about dual screen stuff. Being able to see the stats up top or whatever was always the just smartest coolest thing for me but sometimes feel like I’m in the minority there
If you love the older FF games, I do recommend the Pixel Remasters. They don’t come with the extra content they added for the GBA/DS re-releases, but they are very good remasters that do a great job of keeping the pixellated look and feel one might (generously) remember while visually improving everything in just about every regard.
And the redone soundtracks are phenomenal.
I’ve been eyeing the collection on Switch! Just hard to justify when I have so many other ways to play those games already. My money is finite, unfortunately.
I do love the soundtracks though, and that also makes it tempting. I play a lot of theatrythm on both 3DS and Switch.
I’m still mad because I got about 3/4 of the way through the PR of 2 and it corrupted my save.
Ouch! For anyone else reading this thinking about playing the PR versions, just a note that I played through 3-6 with no issues whatsoever!
Ouch, my sympathies. That’s the point where I’d unapologetically use the built in cheat modes and auto battle back to catch up, but even then that’s a pain to work back through. At least it was just 2 and not one of the longer ones like 5 or 6.
What about original tactics? Or were you going for the GBA ports only?
Just GBA, Square Enix did all these releases for it and I’m a big fan of the series and the system. Just threw Tactics in because it’s also “Final Fantasy” on the GBA. And figured I’d put the DS III in there too for the hell of it.
I have the original Tactics installed on my PS Classic. 🤷
Well it’s a dope collection! I’m pretty sure I have a few of these around somewhere. Maybe 1+2, 4, and tactics.
I loved FFTA so much, and did not care as much for FFTA2 on DS. Easily sunk 1000 hours into my GBA copy.
Shame they never released VII, VIII and IX for the DS. At the very least, the 3DS would have been able to handle all the way up to the PS2 games but SE just didn’t seem interested in remakes on Nintendo consoles anymore for whatever reason.
IX might be my favorite of all time, and I would have camped out overnight to have that on something like the DS.
At least we’re getting some re-releases on the Switch now. 🤷
Emoji in headline, your joy is invalid.
Besides that: enjoy your invalid joy bro