You can - share a fact or question, maybe a random number or statistic, or some
statement, that you can not find sources for (maybe you want to cite it in a
research article, or for a very important debate with someone online), and other
lemmings will verify - post a question that you can not answer - share someone
else’s work, which serves as example for future fact checkers, you may call them
as case studies. This community also serves as a “Do the Maths” community or
“ explainer” Original idea @
[email protected]
[] Rules I really don’t want to police anyone. -
Standard Internet Rules - Be civil and polite, and avoid strong language - Cite
your sources - If you use a fact or some number, please cite your sources. As a
general rule of thumb, please post citations for all things you believe that an
average person does not know, and over citation never not helps. Please try to
avoid secondary (or tertiary) sources, that is cite the primary source for your
information. Please avoid citing some mediahouse or editorial coverage. - Please
try to keep this community non-political. Please don’t post Statements of some
political figure and ask if they really said it or not, that is an
investigator’s job. But feasibility, and impact of there projects is fair game.
That would be nice