You can take the sweater off when you’re not sleeping, but it has to be on at night no matter the temperature.

I think I would demand like 200k, just for the discomfort from the scratchiness. I already sleep with a winter blanket all year round so I wouldn’t mind how warm it would get.

    4 months ago

    You people are underselling yourselves.

    A thousand a night, indexed to inflation. First year in advance, and then payment every morning after that, with the condition that if you miss one night, it’s all over.

    I think the ongoing payment adds a bit of spice to it. Do you set a goal of X dollars and stop then? Will you be ordered by the court to continue wearing it for alimony for your gold digging ex wife that you met in the first year? Will the temptation of easy money for minor suffering slowly drive you insane? Time will tell.