Title. I got a hold of a couple books (one text, other,images) that I would like to make it available to others and the don’t exists in digital format. Photos to PDF? Or something that converts IMG to text?
If the books aren’t too obscure, you might just be able to find an EPUB of them online. It’s sort of a moral grey-area, but considering you already own the books I assume, you can very likely find them here.
First you need to get images of them. Better quality images make the ocr step better. Then image to text.
Make a frame to hold the camera at the right height above the page. Good lighting.
It’s not quick unless you have the hardware.
Another option is to send the book to a place that will scan it for you. Google for options.
I converted several books to PDF using 1dollarscan. I think OCR was an option, but I just split the PDF and used linux tools to OCR the resulting files that I wanted OCRed. > I don’t own the books,
Edited to add:
I don’t own the books,
Oh. the scanning service above is destructive
there are book scanning services out there there are book scanning services out there
There are also book scanning services out there
There are also book scanning services out there
wtf, it was only one when i clicked send lol
I heard there are book scanning services out there
Funnily enough I have heard there are book scanning services out there
Our university library has a high performance book scanner. Maybe yours has one too. It costs like 1 Cent per 10 Pages, but it’s so fast it might be worth checking out if yours has one too. You can extract then the text from the images with tesseract. There are some ready tools that will do this for you to make the PDF searchable
How does it flip between pages?
You do by hand, but it goes very fast. It’s like a table, you lay it open (text upside), it scans, you flip it scans. You don’t have to open/close anything. Just flip like every second. So for a book with 120 pages you would need like 60 seconds
Usually I think of scanner like a photocopier, this sounds more like it takes a picture?
Well a photocopier takes a picture too 😉
You know what I mean. So it’s more of a camera than a scanner?
My old uni library has 2 of those too. It’s basically a fixed camera, but the table you set the book on, has a sort of negative nook that lets you level out the book. So no matter on which page you are, the pages on the book will be on the same level.