Thinking that someone without a formal education is somehow beneath you.
On the flipside, the belief that someone with a formal education is somehow beneath you or brainwashed for it.
Ten years ago I never would’ve believed that people like that exist, or that they think Science is evil for some reason
Science is neutral, but can be used for evil.
Science is not neutral. It is biased towards the truth.
Yeah, it’s just a tool that has been used for so much good that it’s bonkers to trash it altogether
Basically judging people in groups doesn’t work, you have decent and shit always wrapped together.
Everyone is below someone else somehow, since you use that word. I’m beneath my friend in film knowledge. I’m above my friend in gardening skill. In this sense, one can clearly be beneath someone else in education. Or height. Or travel experience.
You meant that regardless of education, we all have the same human worth. That’s true. But yeah you can absolutely be beneath me somehow
Not sure if you understood the assignment.
Being a baby. What do they even know?
I have literally never met a more uneducated cohort. Absolutely shameful.
Mb it’s that period from your past life when you still deleting files to have space for you new one.
They just don’t have the communicative havility to tell us, then ya forget.
My new religion is this(it has some inspiration from previous ones but hey, tell me one that didn’t)
Not wanting to tax the rich because “I might be rich one day”.
“Let’s go Brandon!” Bumper stickers.
Racist and intolerance to people different than them
Being a republican. Sure there are some educated grifters who decide to label themselves as republican, but your average republican voter is a mouth-breathing fucking idiot.
Being poor and idolizing the rich.
That’s by design
“Whataboutism”, or if you are unfamiliar with the term:
“The act or practice of responding to an accusation of wrongdoing by claiming that an offense committed by another is similar or worse”
People that use this mechanism are “poorly educated” and unable to hold a conversation and they should just be mocked by whatabouting even harder, so they can maybe understand that they’re dumb and that’s not how you should debate.
Example of the last argument I had recently with my dumb c*nt father:
- Me: You shouldn’t idolize that politician, he evaded literally billions in taxes and that befalls on citizens like you
- Dumb c*nt father: Yeah? And what about that other politician?
- Me: What about the disappearing middle class?!
- D.C.F.: What…?
Believing that capitalism lifts people out of poverty.
Ironically, defending arguments using scientific studies and experiments, but not being able to think critically about the methodology used or what the results mean. Too often people will cite scientific literature based off the title and MAYBE skim it. Trying to have a discussion with them will usually result in them calling you anti-science.
A good example is the pseudo-scientific belief common within incel circles that women can store and absorb dna from past sexual partners and that their children can then have more than one genetic father (an excuse to shame sexually active women while fear mongering about cuckoldry). If you track down the source the study actually explicitly explains exactly why this isn’t the case.
Right-wing politics
The irony.
What’s the irony here?
People judging people’s level of intelligence based on how they lean politically, for me.
The face of right-wing politics is wedge issues and conspiracy theories. It’s not as if people are being judged for believing in a smart conservative fiscal policy because that is no longer something the modern Republican party represents.
That’s a gross blanketing.
Yeah, no it’s pretty fair assessment of the party. You as an individual may have different beliefs, but your differing beliefs don’t represent the party and their rhetoric.
FFS the ex president convinced a mob of people that the election was rigged and they stormed the Capitol Building looking to capture/kill the legislators who were confirming the results. If a republican president of the United States doesn’t represent the republican party then who does?
Oh, American Conservatives.
Americans, pleeeeease, say if it’s America or not before making such statements.
You’re right. A right-winger doesn’t always adopt a right-wing ideology because of low intelligence. Sometimes, they adopt right-wing views just because they’re evil instead!
I guarantee you hold right wing views on certain things.
I can’t think of a single thing in which I hold right-wing views on, but do enlighten me; if you know enough to guarantee such a bold claim, I’d like to hear it.
How are you going to solve Afghanistan?
The US was trying to “solve” Afghanistan through violent means which not only have failed for 20 years, but the conflict of today has been stoked even earlier by the US financing the current terrorists and calling them “anti-Soviet freedom fighters”. So no, a right wing answer to the conflict has been proven by history to be utterly idiotic and only beneficial to american capital.
Did you really cite Afghanistan, of all issues, as the point that you’d be able to sell to me that I hold a right-wing view on? I knew the bar was going to be low, but not this low.
It should be a nice challenge for you. How are you going to solve Afghanistan? has a long, complicated history, with many parties from different political ideologies ruining the nation.
You just gave me a new one: “people who refer to someone’s political opinion as “evil” just because they don’t personally agree”. It’s not like we’re discussing Nazis here man.
But we are? Right-wing ideology consists of Nazism, among other things. That’s where I generally make the distinction. People who are moderately right-wing are typically so out of ignorance, but those who go further to the right into things like Nazism and fascism, then that’s when they’re just outright evil.
So the same could be said about the left-wing ideology because it “consists” of Leninism? How is this making any sort of sense to you?
This response is a gross oversimplification, and it isn’t the point you think it is. It makes a lot more sense to me because the premise of left-wing ideology as a whole isn’t overwhelmingly abhorrent whereas right-wing ideology’s premise is. What you’re arguing is a logical sequence that is impossible for me to connect, as the problems I have with Leninism are not the same as the problems I have with Nazism. Yes, you could argue that both Leninists and Nazis take a more authoritarian approach to executing their ideology, but stay on focus here. I may not agree with the methodology that Marxists and Leninists use for their method of achieving communism, but that’s not the primary problem I have with right-wing ideology in the first place. I have the same goal as Marxists, Leninists, and Marxist-Leninists; there’s just a different approach on achieving it. The caveat here is that I don’t agree with right-wing ideology at all, to an extent where I find the goals of the right just as abhorrent as the means they’d operate under to achieve them.
The original point I was making is that right-wing ideology stems from ignorance and/or a lack of human decency. In no way does me saying this contradict with the notion that Leninism isn’t on the same degree as right-wing ideology in this sense. The reasons why right-wing ideology, in my view, stems from ignorance and or evilness are not applicable to left-wing ideology whatsoever.
In simple terms, right-wing ideology is not strictly evil because of its approach, but its entire premise is fucked in my worldview. Left-wing ideology, no matter what methods it undergoes to achieve its logical conclusion, doesn’t align with the premise of right-wing ideology because, otherwise, it obviously wouldn’t be left-wing at that point anymore.
So, let me point the question back at you: how is this making any sort of sense to YOU?
Just because Leninism is an extreme ideology, doesn’t mean the point that you’re trying to sell makes any sense. My fundamental issue with right-wing ideology isn’t extremism or authoritarianism.
Don’t bother arguing with them, they’re from Probably a right-wing douche.
Well said! Although I doubt the the guy has enough critical thinking to understand what you’re saying.
Leninism is good, actually.
Come to Lemmygrad, we can teach you a thing or too. Just adhere to the rules.
just because they don’t personally agree
I hate this cowardly bullshit right wingers use to make themselves feel oppressed. If I say you’re a wretched animal who doesn’t deserve human dignity, and you say I’m wrong, I could point it right back at you. Fuck off with that. What are the disagreements? This isnt a water cooler talk about a TV show, this is the life, suffering and death of millions. Yeah I don’t personally agree that the poor and hungry should die on the street while rich fucks hoard houses, and if you think otherwise, I’m completely comfortable calling you evil, because you are.
Now I know why you don’t have any friends. People aren’t low iq or evil just because they have a different opinion man.
I’m so fed up with the “different opinion” justification. “It’s just my opinion” isn’t a defense. Nobody said you can’t have your own opinion. It’s just that, often times, the content of an opinion can indicate low intelligence or evil intentions. For this nuance to be lost on you, there is something seriously fucked with your capacity to reason and comprehend words, so I’m going to assume that you full well know this shit, but you just want to be bad faith.
It’s that their ‘opinions’ are of who should or should not have rights, for me. And the fiscally conservatives who are the exact same thing but with extra steps.
If you choose a perspective that outwardly chooses to harm people, and you are not of low intellect, then you are simply choosing to harm people. That is evil. Choosing to bring harm to people over other alternatives is wrong, bad, and as an ideology, evil.
You can probably actually do this reliably in cases where those political views work against the persons interests. It’s not like people voting against their own interests is an uncommon phenomenon.
It’s very possible to vote against your own interests for the good of society though- a billionaire might vote to increase taxes on himself, for example.
One of the many issues with the majority of right-wing voters in the US is that the votes they cast are against both their best interests and the interests of society, and that’s what makes them evil and/or stupid.
Wearing camo and American flag shit in public. Honestly just having American flags on anything now pretty much is the same as that read hat
Being proud of not knowing things, and having no desire to change that.
Sometimes my friends laugh at me for how little I know about pop culture. I laugh back though. I wouldn’t say I’m proud of it but it’s just funny.
Being proudly ignorant of everything is bad. I will respect people who know they don’t know things though, you can’t know everything about everything. It’s why people generally specialize in a field in an industry.
Any reference to “common sense”, which really means “what I believe”. Violating it is used as a universal rebuttal for any intellectually sophisticated argument.