I’ve been playing Dave the Diver but it’s been a bit disappointing. Instead of focusing on its main mechanics, the game is completely full of pointless and shallow minigames that break my flow. I like looking for fish and thinking about the menu but the hype it got made me think it was a way better game.
On the bright side, one of those minigames is a Balatro collab that got me to finally get Balatro and I’ve been having a ton of fun with it.
I don’t really recommend Dave the Diver but Balatro is great.
Skyrim sunk it’s claws in me again lol
there was a recent sale of the anniversary edition so I hot it and dived back in…
want to play as a strict necromancer but it’s sooooo hard! I’m not using any destruction magic, trying to limit restoration. I’m trying to level up my alchemy asap…it’s been interesting.
Any time I do a magic build I tend to go for conjuring, I find it the most fun. That and levelling up the alteration tree as quickly as possible, there’s some good perks in there. I’ve never done pure necromancy before though. It sounds fun, maybe the next time I go back to Skyrim for a while I’ll try that build
Jumped into Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous a couple weeks ago. Was a bit concerned at first because I enjoyed Kingmaker and kept hearing this one was better, but I was not feeling it. Then the end of the first chapter hit and the hook set in deep. I’m not far in, but the scope of this story is already really impressive. I feel like this is the kind of thing that’s too ambitious for me to ever have a chance at playing in tabletop (not without a really experienced DM and group, anyway), so it’s cool that this story can be experienced in this way.
I’ve heard such disparate opinions of WotR, I’m very interested to see what I feel about it whenever I get to it. I played Kingmaker over Christmas and while I really enjoyed parts of it I was also endlessly frustrated about many things. And some things I’ve heard make me anxious about the sequel too. I’m also very concerned about the scale and scope - I enjoyed the more grounded narrative and setting of KM and worry I’ll have trouble getting onboard with being a Chosen One and battling gods and other epic narratives and whatnot.
Art of Rally
I’ve been playing it regularly this week and the replay/ photo mode is very satisfying when you put together a nice sequence of corners. I wish there was more of an online element though with clubs and/or custom challenges but it’s still a lot of fun.
This is the only racing game in recent years that I played for more than an hour. I’m not into racing games, so that speaks volumes. Hat tip to Epic Games for giving it away a couple of years ago, which is what directly led me to try it.
Wuch a cosy yet hard game! I’m looking forward to funselektor’s offroad game that’s coming up
I’ve been playing Terra Invicta on PC and Surviving Mars on console. I watched the Firefly blue ghost moon landing a few days ago and needless to say I’m starting my sci-fi kick again
Terra Invicta has been on my wishlist for a while now but I’ve been holding off because a) I sometimes avoid early access and b) the learning curve sounds brutal. Sounds like it’d be right up my alley if I got into it, though.
Surviving Mars is delightfully chill. Amazing soundtrack, too.
Much Like Stellaris, you’ll need a solid 5-10 hours before things start making sense in Terra Invicta. Cheers!
Well…that’s better than the 20+ I needed for Crusader Kings 2.
I’m back to my semi-regular return to The Division, this time the first game. I don’t know why this series clicked with me the way it did as I don’t really play these kind of looter shooters but for some reason I tend to come back to them every year or two.
I’m lucky enough I don’t care about min-maxing and number crunching so no matter the patch and balance I end up having a blast and that’s all that matters. Now if only we could get the first game on TD2’s engine…
I also go back to the first The Division game every so often. The snow covered city is beautiful and one of my all time favourites.
The Division 2 is kind of meh in comparison.
I actually switch between the two depending on my mood. I really like the technical and (some of the) gameplay changes as they make the gameplay a bit more fun for me (especially everything that has to do with enemy armour) but story and atmosphere wise, as well as in terms of the map I definitely prefer the first game.
Heck, I’m even willing to run around the Dark Zone there unlike in the sequel where I popped in a few times and called it quits. It’s just not the same.
I do like some of the mission locations in TD2, the weapon specialist roll and even the backpack charms but the city in general is very repetitive.
Yep, the map and enemy factions are my main complaints with the second one as well. For me they just feel less like a natural continuation of the first game and more like a generic post-apocalyptic setting with TD flavour.
It sucks because the detail and design work on Washington is really great, it just doesn’t feel as good as a complete package.
Mad Max.
Still playing Avowed. Fucking great game. I’m a little over half way through.
Thinking I’ll give Veilguard a go since it’s free on PS Plus now.
I know it’s not been received well, but figure I’ll form my own opinion.
Punch-Out! for Wii
Pretty fun so far!
The Wii was perfect for boxing games. Now I’ve got the itch to dig mine out!
if you have a spare SD card you can also play game backups off it, and there are lots of other fun things to try like homebrew games and emulation
Recommended from the sseth video, and it doesn’t disappoint. Seems the options are limited only by your imagination. The economy is crazy.
So many ships and customisation. It’s very much in the vein of mount and blade, which is my most played game.
if anyone is looking for a rich and competitive MMO, i can highly recommend Albion Online!
I saw Skald: Against the Black Priory was 40% off and I’ve had my eyes on it for a while, so I just went for it. Have played about 6 hours now and I’m loving it. The only thing I’m unsure of is replayability as it’s feeling fairly linear and with only marginal decision making, but otherwise it’s been really cool. You get the old school late 80s/early 90s RPG look but with a less clunky feel. It doesn’t have the most beautiful sprite work, but I really like the art for the splash screens. The music is great and nostalgic and the display settings emulating period monitors via filters was a lovely touch.
The writing feels solid and the atmosphere of gloomy hopelessness and cosmic horror really works for me. Combat has felt fun enough - though fairly simple - and I don’t think the game is long enough that it will become a problem.
Looking forward to seeing how it ends, but from what I’ve seen so far I’d recommend it to almost anyone. It’s not that expensive either, even at full price.
I’ve been playing through Black Skylanda lately.
I originally put it down because the top-down perspective was a bit jarring, but have been having fun taking down sky pirates both on land and in the air since I’ve picked it back up.
So far the upgrade paths and the currency gain for those upgrades have been mostly on par with each other, so I haven’t felt the need to grind mats for anything. I can rescue a stranded pilot or two, liberate an island, and carve out a new parking location for my big ship all in one sitting, which makes it feel as though just about anything I do is progressing something.
Looking forward to more!
Great game! I had a lot of fun with it. Was it early access at some point? I seem to remember it not being complete when I played it. Or maybe I was left wanting more? Guess I’ll reinstall and find out. Thanks for the reminder!
I think it did have an early access period at some point. I also seemed to have the backer DLC, which gives a little boost to resources and a weapon for the early game.