Thanks for everyone’s suggestions for cabbage recipes from the other week. Some great stuff, but now I’m sick of cabbage.

Does anyone have some great recipes that taste good and are loaded with vegetables?

Preferably ones where cabbage isn’t the main ingredient.

    11 days ago

    Man, so many things, so will just make a list:

    • Chicken Soup
    • Pasta of the non-spaghet variety. Baked dishes work great
    • Ramen
    • Split pea soup
    • Mac and cheese: hear me out. An ENTIRE head or two of broccoli will go into a well-made MnC that kids won’t even think trice about. Also peas and spinach.
    • Green Bean casserole
    • Roasted beets or carrots, but drizzle with a tiny bit of maple syrup to finish
    • Hummus plate (this is debatable, but kids seem to love it)
    • Corn on the cob

    Honestly though, if you make a good broth and just dump a LOAD of veggies in, kids will probably enjoy it. Even if they eat around the actual veggies pieces, they’re still getting a solid infusion of nutrients from all the veg in everything else.