Amarcord -1974
The Hit - 1984
Das Boot
Blow Up -1966(?)
Masculin Feminin-1966
Amarcord -1974
The Hit - 1984
Das Boot
Blow Up -1966(?)
Masculin Feminin-1966
Amazon has the masses enthralled
Amazombies ain’t gonna do that. bezos has them hooked in their guts
Got in trouble for saying in reply to an “eat the rich” comment that they should be fed to something instead
I agree.
Labor party, Democrat, republican/ conservative, maga, etc. . And cut it out with this D/R bullshit. It’s maddening. There are people that have a serious moral issue casting a vote for some of the choices given.
I’m sure a lot of the people who sat it out are more informed and upset with what is going on than some of those that “chose the lesser evil”. They have every right to be furious.
Right outside this lazy summer home
Ain’t got time to call your soul a critic , no
God bless those European MF’rs
That might work if the fine was say $1.5 B
It’s from the time Hieronymus Bosch was experimenting with LSD