“If you’re paying for grad school, you’re doing it wrong”
You’re giving Disney way to much credit
It’s an old Hollywood trick to use British accents for Continental European characters. Americans have a hard time understanding German and especially French accents. I think that today that is best solved by simply weiting the script in those languages and putting subtitles since many viewers already prefer subtitles.
I’m with you in the there was a better version of this movie in there somewhere. I likee it better than The Northman and definitely enjoyed it over all. A bit too reliant on jump scares imo, but i think the cast all did a wonderful job. I wish i could put a finger on what the movie was missing.
Australia is just an oil company, a coal company, and a mining company disguised as a trench coat. The Liberal party (essentially just American Republicans opposed to guns) spent 2 decades killing any green energy initiatives in favor of fracking the Outback
I’ve seen The Northman and The Lighthouse, and the Lighthouse was absolutely brilliant. I like the Northman, but the problem was the static and one dimensional characters with no growth or development. This works in The Northman because that is how the protagonists in Old Norse Sagas read as well, but i am with you when you said you wishes you could have watched the better version of that film aftewards. I’m going to see Nosferatu tonight, and I’m curious to see if that feels the same way.
They aren’t actually bringing in businesses. Companies just say they are headquartered in Dublin with a token officw while doing all their actual work overseas. Do you also believe that every US company is based out of Delaware?
Economy of what? A country that has no jobs outaide of Dublin, and rents beyond what a median income can afford in Dublin? Ireland has a fake economy that is built entirely on lies with no money going to actual working people. It’s like if Rhode Island eas an independent country.
Yeah, just leaves more plumage for me to dazzle the ladies with. Have fun not passing on your genes because i have the superior plumage.
Their creditors would sue because thats an asset that can be sold to refund them.
They are using LLM’s because the companies are run by tech bros who bet big on “AI” and now have to justify that.
I have to use USD to pay my taxes, and if I don’t pay my taxes i go to jail. Cryptocurrencies aren’t used for anything other than financial speculation
It’s not, and i am not going to keep arguing in circles with people who want to contradict basic and agreed upon biology.
Viruses make the simplest prokaryotes look complicated. A bacteria has ribosomes to read nucleic acids to make proteins and enzymes. That’s the cellular metabolism that a virus actually lacks. It’s not a matter of calling a person a living thing while their cheek cells aren’t. You can take human tissue sampes and culture them indefinitely if you wanted to, because those cells are still undergoing cellular metabolism, taking in resources and excreting waste products. A virus doesn’t even have the ability to read it’s own genetic material. It’s a hostile instruction manual.
Consuming resources is a definitive characteristic of living things. Scienctists had to define what life is and viruses just don’t click enough boxes. It’s the same as astronomers determining what is a planet vs a dwarf planet vs an asteroid or mathematicians deciding that 1 isn’t a prime number. There has to be a hard cutoff at some point.
Viruses are rogue genetic material that insert themselves into a host cell and hijack all it’s processes and metabolism. Calling them a living thing is like calling malware a computer, or a joke between friends a movie.
This virus on it’s own is absolutely useless and can’t adjust to it’s environment at all. A parasitic wasp is still a seperate entity that has it’s own cells and genetic material that covers all basic function of a living thing. A virus is literally just a protein coat protecting a bit of genetic material. A parasitic organism is still doing cellular metabolism even if it isn’t in a host organism, but a virus isn’t.
I was 17 and had never even seen $1,000 before, never had an actual job, and had no concept of what it could mean to lose a job. I was paying everything i owed plus extra until 2022, then i could only afford the massive minimum payments, then i lost my job this year and couldn’t afford that anymore. I can either put all my money into payments that ultimately do nothing for me, or i can put what little i have left into rent and food. If you can’t understand that, then you are very fortunate and i hope you never have to face down these sorts of choices because it is a truly terrible way to live.
I cant afford it either way. Before the pandemic there was more student loan debt in the US than credit card debt. It’s the 2008 housing bubble all over again, only this time there aren’t even millions of worthless homes to compensate lenders.
I worked at a tire factory. Half the rubber used in tires is synthetic rubber, which is made from plastic. Your car tires are not made from 100% natural rubber from a tree.
We’ve been down this road before.