Big fan of that design but even more of Disco (Season 1 that is)
/r/StarTrek founder and primary steward from 2008-2021
Currently on the board of directors for StarTrek.website
Big fan of that design but even more of Disco (Season 1 that is)
I thought this was going to be a video essay on Star Trek Phase II but I was pleasantly surprised
You sir, are worse than Hitler.
Plot twist: the kidnapper loves Star Trek but takes the opposite “Dear Doctor” position as you.
It’s very practical if you’re somewhere without inertial dampeners.
Urban dictionary says it’s a term that refers to when an undercover government agent fails to blend in with whoever they’re trying to blend in with.
People are saying that Renegdes is actually the only canonical Star Trek
When the show with the Black lady aired a lot of “”“longtime fans”“” and YouTubers decreed that it was “not canon” because of XYZ…
you can skip the signature part (i signed it with a fake name cornelius flycatcher)
Well I do agree to it as written lol. I didn’t realize this was a matter of opinion.
You won’t get this meme but trust me it slaps
I know DS9 is considered the “dark stories” one, but it’s still bursting with optimism compared with the majority of scifi out there.
Perhaps if you gave an example from the TOS to illustrate what you mean by “enabling bullshit” your position would be more clear?
They are just covering their butts legally against someone suing them for typing a URL into the URL bar.
I got a strong impression that the future of the Federation we saw in Disco was specifically built around the values of keeping “humanity” (and inalienable species) at the center of everything.
Surely The Year of The Holodeck Desktop would arrive eventually?
“Data’s Day” is actually a pretty great one to get someone into TNG, it’s fun, but most importantly, Data is essentially walking around introducing all of the main characters to the audience.
I typically recommend starting with TNG in general (I used to say because it was “modern” 😭) as it naturally leads into DS9 and VOY. That said if your friend doesn’t typically watch older shows but is open to them, then just starting with SNW or ENT is an excellent intro to the rest of Trek.