I had a teacher who claimed that dinosaurs weren’t real. She said that people just naturally love patterns so when we find random bones we arrange them into shapes we like. Someone in the class said what about skulls that are just one bone and she ignored it lol.
That was many years ago and it’s still stuck in my memory as one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.
Luckily that boat can also be steered to the high seas.
I got Surviving Mars for free on Epic and really liked it, but I instead spent more money to buy the full game & all the DLC from Steam just on general principle lol.
In a sense, everything can fly. Just sometimes not for very long.
Something should be done about this
Yeah IIRC that even applies to things like gravity as well. As in, we aren’t actually orbiting around where is sun is, we’re orbiting around where it was ~8 minutes ago because the sun is about 8 light-minutes from Earth.
I mean realistically what are you gonna do, appeal to their better nature? We’ve been trying to do that since when… Reagan? Nixon? The right has only dug in deeper and deeper, and now the Nazis are back.
We’re long overdue for some fuck about and find out time IMO.
Just as a heads up, the Hitman trilogy is absurdly complicated to purchase for some unknown reason. I own the first two and I literally cannot work out how to buy the third one.
So tread carefully I guess lol.
Art jobs are like this! Especially if management are also art people, then every day is utter chaos lol.
Two things an art job is great for:
Developing a thick skin. Make art every day, send it off, receive a detailed list of everything that sucks about it, re-do it, repeat this about 30 times until it finally goes out, then receive death threats from the audience.
Learning to function under chaos. A regular Tuesday at Art Job is roughly equivalent to the worst day in company history and a normal office job.
Two things an art job is not good for:
Keeping the desire to make art for fun in your spare time.
Being a regular functioning human.
Yeah I have a Steam Deck with a dock and bluetooth mouse & keyboard, it’s basically just a desktop PC lol.
Although the Deck does struggle a bit with super high-end games, so a similar thing with beefier hardware could fill a niche there I guess?
When the first Steam Machines were announced years ago, I assumed they’d all be running the same hardware like consoles do, and I thought that was actually quite a good idea because it could give game devs a sort of “baseline” set of hardware to aim for, as opposed to the sort of “vaguely make it run on Windows” system we seem to have currently. So if the new ones are all more-or-less the same kit like the Steam Decks are, and they take off well enough, it could be handy in that way I guess.
Plus it’ll presumably run SteamOS so more Linux exposure which I always appreciate.
Once you wrap your head around it, Rimworld is great for stuff like that. Once you start thinking outside the lines you can perform the most outrageous war crimes for literally no reason other than your own entertainment.
Like, if an enemy sends a raiding party you can nuke half the map with nerve gas to kill them, then skin them, eat them to keep the colony growing, then load all their skins into a pod and fire it back into the enemy base. The game doesn’t encourage you to do stuff like that, but it also doesn’t stop you lol.
Or you can use the skins to make hats and trench-coats.
I don’t know the name of it, but I really enjoy the sort of gameplay where you roll up to an enemy compound or something, and then you just sort of chip away at it and cause chaos until it all falls apart.
The sort of thing you’d do in Farcry, where you’d snipe some dudes, plant traps, shoot the tiger cage so the tiger would get out and eat people etc.
I would make a very rare exception and pre-order only certain titles, like if there was a new Civ Game, cause I knew I was going to get it immediately anyway and sometimes they’d let you pre-load.
But with the new Civ being nearly $170 CAD for the full version, I’m not even doing that anymore. I look forward to the real Civ VII release date of sometime in the 2027 Steam Christmas sale lol.
English, where the word ‘jam’ can mean traffic, a stuck door, to play music, to cram things into a tight space or a fruity preserve lol
From what I’ve read, the problem at Bioware seems to be with management. IIRC the last Dragon Age was started as a live service game, then scrapped and restarted, and I believe Anthem was also scrapped and restarted at least once, and Mass Effect Andromeda had a bunch of its creative team quit halfway through. So management getting rid of most of the staff for Mass Effect 5 (which was announced as being in development back in 2020) doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.
I think it’s fine if used in moderation. I use mine for doing the mindless day-to-day stuff like writing cover letters or business-type emails. I don’t use it for anything creative though, just to free myself up to do that stuff.
I also suck at coding so I use it to write little scripts and stuff. Or at least to do the framework and then I finish them off.
It just seemed less pleasant lol.
Also I guess you could interpret it two ways - one bare foot and one wet sock, or one dry sock and wet one. Neither is ideal IMO