Also on Webtoons:
Which has RSS feed:
Moved to @[email protected]
Also on Webtoons:
Which has RSS feed:
Sorry for the confussion, I did not create any of those communities. I’m just trying to help them grow. I will edit the post to make it clearer.
I’m subscribed to specialized_instances, I think it’s a great idea for a community, although I expect it to be more relevant on the long term.
Then I will include them on my watchlist and will try to post at least from time to time.
As I said in other comments, thanks to all of you who create and moderate communities. For now, I’m just trying to generate content, which I know is the easier part.
Note that I said: “you look a bit more organized than small subs”, and that’s not a very high bar, hehe :P.
More seriously, I thought you were related to reddit’s Imaginary Network, which is huge and with some big power-users.
If that’s not the case, then more props to you!
Posted one on each community, good luck!
Indeed, you’re doing a great job, thanks for the efforts!
I’ve been seeing Imaginary Network’s posts on my timeline. I thought about including them in the OP, but you look a bit more organized than the usual small subs, so I chose to focus on other parts.
From Beagle Bros - Wikipedia:
Beagle Bros was an American software company that specialized in creating personal computing products. Their primary focus was on the Apple II family of computers. Although they ceased business in 1991, owner Mark Simonsen permitted the Beagle Bros name and logo to be included on the 30th anniversary reboot of I. O. Silver, released on December 12, 2014 by former Beagle programmer Randy Brandt.
Found via reverse image search:
That may be a good idea. The 3 communities I found relevant to crosspost this are:
In case it helps: IMHO the hard part of [email protected] is that is an all-or-nothing regarding if you get the joke.
Note that the communities I listed on OP have content that can be enjoyed without any previous reference. Of course, the more you know about any topic, the more you will get from the posts, but I think that for the short term, it’s good to focus on things that people can vote because “they look pretty” even if they don’t understand the context.
You are probably right on your pessimism. Growing communities is hard. That’s why I’m trying to focus the efforts in a few, but more than 1 community. Which community will succeed in the long term is impossible to predict, so I think it’s better to just keep trying with different ones.
I find [email protected] a very good attempt. If I get it correctly, is like fakehistoryporn but for movies, right? I think that’s the kind of niche-but-not-too-niche topic that could work. I’m not very familiar with the format but I will keep it in mind in case I find something worth posting.
Thanks for the efforts and the feedback!
Posted one there!… I hope Bakshi is not too hated :P.
Good luck!
Sadly, I don’t have much to contribute to these communities, but I will post if I find something relevant.
Agree, thanks for sharing!
Best part:
(…) Brecht’s team even taught the rodents to play hide and seek. At the beginning of the game, a rat was enclosed in a box while a researcher hid somewhere in the room. The researcher then opened the box using a remote control, allowing the animal to jump out and begin “seeking.” When the rat successfully found the hidden scientist, it was rewarded with—you guessed it—a tickle. The rats were also given the opportunity to hide while the researchers looked for them, and they proved to be especially good at coming up with creative hiding spots. Their ability to strategize was “almost spooky,” Brecht recalls.
(…) Brecht’s team first made sure the rats were comfortable with their new playground, aka a dimly lit plastic box, as well as their human playmates. The researchers then played games of “chase the hand” and tickled and the animals on their backs and bellies (see video (…) for an example from a previous experiment). In response to the tickling, the rats shimmied in delight and let out endless “giggles.”
IMHO as a random user is that, given the nature of the fediverse, that makes more sense to be an option for instance admins. I’m personally more inclined to leave that decision to each user, but I see how the network effects play a role and how someone would want to enforce their decission on their own instances.
Anyway, it’s an interesting discussion and I like to try to understand the consquences of each implementation.
I’m not an expert, so those who know more, please correct me.
FYI: with the script User Details on Hover you can also see karma in Lemmy. Example.
From what I understand, there are technical issues with this. Allowing people to hide the karma if they want is easy. But blocking people for seeing karma even if they want is much harder. Note that if you want karma for posts and comments (to be able to sort the most voted ones), then the user karma is just a very easy query away (just sum the karma of that user’s posts and comments). EDIT: I realize that this would not solve the issue either: There are technical ways to do anonymous and auditable voting, but I think that would be too overkill for the fediverse.
In firefox, you can also add a keyword to this shortcut (e.g.: yt
Then you can use it from the search bar like yt testing
and it will redirect you to this URL (replacing %s
with testing
EDIT: and a fancier option is to use Redirector, Request Control (or similar) to create a redirection from YT searches without the CAASAhAB query param to the one with it.
Source: Socks and Puppets, the comic » 779 – Summoning Ray
If I’m not mistaken: @[email protected]
RSS Feed: