And I just installed uBOL on a couple of company employee laptops expecting it to be future-proof. Should’ve stuck with uBO.
“I mean misinformation isn’t the correct term either if a work of fiction never intended to disciminate any real information in the first place.”
Which was intended in the case of the Chernobyl miniseries:
“Mazin’s interest in creating the series originated when he decided to write something that addressed "how we’re struggling with the global war on the truth right now".[23] Another inspiration is that he knew Chernobyl exploded, but he did not know why. He explained, “I didn’t know why, and I thought there was this inexplicable gap in my knowledge … So, I began reading about it, just out of this very dry, intellectual curiosity, and what I discovered was that, while the story of the explosion is fascinating, and we make it really clear exactly why and how it happened, what really grabbed me and held me were the incredible stories of the human beings who lived through it, and who suffered and sacrificed to save the people that they loved, to save their countrymen and to save a continent, and continued to do so, against odds that were startling and kept getting worse. I was so moved by it. It was like I had discovered a war that people just hadn’t really depicted, and I became obsessed”.[24] Mazin said that “The lesson of Chernobyl isn’t that modern nuclear power is dangerous. The lesson is that lying, arrogance, and suppression of criticism are dangerous”.” —
Misinformation, not disinformation.
Also, many if not most people take “based on a true story” on TV at face value. Therefore it’s important to point out the inaccuracies.
If you watched the series Chernobyl I highly recommend the Titans of Nuclear podcast’s five dedicated episodes expanding on the misinformation it contains.
Nevertheless, excellent miniserie.
It was broken for a while so I sought alternatives. I just now reinstalled it and updated the list. Thank you for the reminder.
There are too many so I’ve compiled them here: Mostly excellent “free” software.
When obligated to pick one it’d be AutoKey: “a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11.” Relatively and subjectively speaking, without it I feel hampered like crazy while most other software is “just” convenient.
“«Sorry Luke. I’m just doing my job. You gotta appreciate that.»
«Nah. Calling it your job don’t make it right, boss.»” —Cool Hand Luke (1967)
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If someone evades billions in taxes but one day donates 50 dollars it doesn’t absolve their wrongdoings whatsoever. This is just an attempt at trying to improve their image.
Golden Sun.
The most memorable RPG I’ve ever played. The music and art style, beautiful. Especially considering it’s a Gameboy Advance game.