Thanks! I wasn’t sure.
Thanks! I wasn’t sure.
I’m a community radio volunteer, and am wondering if this is something that applies to us or if this is a ham radio thing or something else entirely? I’m definitely not an engineer.
I’d like to shout out community radio as well! Your town or city probably has one or you can stream them online. Local DJs playing whatever they want with no ads, just music. I volunteer for a couple and they’re really fun to be a part of.
Well, that’s just the story of my life right there.
Whatever the joke is-- I saw this photo in the NYTimes but I don’t get the joke of posting it here. Has it been altered or something?
I know I’m going to feel really stupid when I get my answer.
I’ve seen both like 100 times! I still can’t see it.
Okay, what am I missing here? I’ve been staring at this image for five minutes.
Thanks much!
Well, it wasn’t $400k but it ended up being a little better than we expected so we can chalk this one up as a sorely needed win!
Thanks much. It apparently went great! Now we wait for the offer, which should be coming and hopefully will be worth it!
That’s incredible, congratulations!
My wife is interviewing for a job today. It would be a big deal if she got it, especially since she’s been out of work for six months.
Community radio is volunteer non-profit radio that is community run, so like college radio without the college. It’s commercial free and the programming is generally done by the DJs, rather than corporate radio deciding what to play.