you can’t even group/nestle book marks on Firefox.
You can with extensions. Tree Style Tabs, I dont even have a top tab bar.
you can’t even group/nestle book marks on Firefox.
You can with extensions. Tree Style Tabs, I dont even have a top tab bar.
In league non-ranked matchmaking is pretty all over the place. It is also supposed to be mmr based. In a single session i can play vs everything from iron to emerald, how is it in dota?
I had read somewhere about it being in a rough state playerbase-wise, which i guess isnt true, but it is no longer receiving updates, right? Anyway, might check it out.
Hmm, is there a ranked mode for it?
I mean, ive played some dota in the past, i have about 200h on it, not nearly as much as league tho. But IME, especially for solo, league is just nicer overall. The mechanics for champions seem a lot more polished these days, and it is a lot more action focused, you have to worry about macro much less. The games are also like 50% shorter in league. As a solo player I find league to be a lot more laid back, where I can just play the champ more than play the game, if that makes sense.
To each their own of course, Im not saying one game is better than the other, but it is a hard sell to transition league to dota.
There’s realistic only DotA and I can understand the reluctance, the two games are massively different, League is much more suited for casual play.
I doubt there sustainable way around a kernel anticheat, that will not get you banned eventually. People either have to quit or dual boot.
The game leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Stunlock fucked over their playerbase with Battlerite, shifted dev focus onto a Battle Royale, which was supposed to be a gamemode, made a standalone game, fractured the community, then took what they had so far and rehashed it for a yet another new game.
Battlerite and OmegaStrikers
Kind of like that, I got into them as they were thriving, since it was on beta/release, but they died very quickly afterwards and it is a shame because nothing captures that feel for me, I like short burst competitive games like that, but I guess people generally aren’t into stuff like that.
E: And actually one more like that, the goatest of them all tbh, just been so long that i forgot about it, but this is one that is an awesome idea for anyone looking for some fun friend group comp game:
This last one is a damn shame, because there really is nothing like it.
Plants absolutely use green light for photosynthesis and do it quite well.
Green light is in fact absorbed at a rate of 80-90%, and it penetrates much deeper than red or blue. Comparison
Nice, what bouldering grade?
Its a good game but most releases are DLC level, yet they are forcing the player to buy, at least every few releases, because you slash the remaining userbase every time you release a new game.
I hear you, but a usb-c has more uses than one, the only real problem with a dongle is now is that occasionally you need to charge.
But like, 3.5 to usbc is a 10 buck conversion. Tbh i see merit in double usb c over usbc and headphone jack, might be more doable too, the DAC prolly takes more space than an additional usbc
Its okay and does the job, but learning to sharpen on a stone can be done in a spare afternoon with a youtube video and a 5 dollar diamond stone from ali. Your knives will thank you.
The 2 big problems with pull sharpeners is that they sharpen parallel to the blade, making the knife edge more brittle and they deepen defects in the blade, so if there are even tiny dents in the edge, the pull sharpeners will make them larger over time.
Its worth mentioning that certain mainstream interpretations are also concretely deterministic. For example many worlds is actually a deterministic interpretation, the multiverse is deterministic, your particular branch simply appears probabilistic. Much more deterministic is Bohmian mechanics. Copenhagen interpretation, however, maintains randomness.
Its not that odd if you think about it. Everything else in this universe is deterministic. Well, quantum mechanics, as we observe it, is probabilistic, but still governed by rules and calculable, thus predictable (I also believe it is, in some sense, deterministic). For there to be free will, we need some form of “special sauce”, yet to be uncovered, that would grant us the freedom and agency to act outside of these laws.
Seth Anil has interesting lectures on consciousness, specifically on the predictive processing theory. Under this view the brain essentially simulates reality as a sort of prediction, this simulated model is what we, subjectively, then perceive as consciousness.
“Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system“. In other words consciousness might exist because to regulate our bodies and execute different actions we must have an internal model of ourselves as well as ourselves in the world.
As for determinism - the idea of libertarian free will is not really seriously entertained by philosophy these days. The main question is if there is any inkling of free will to cling to (compatibilism), but, generally, it is more likely than not that our consciousness is deterministic.
Physics and more to the point, QM, appears probabilistic but wether or not it is deterministic is still up for debate. Until such a time that we develop a full understanding of QM we can not say for sure. Personally I am inclined to think we will find deterministic explanations in QM, it feels like nonsense to say that things could have happened differently. Things happen the way they happen and if you would rewind time before an event, it should resolve the same way.
Battlerite in it self was a second attempt by SLS, first was Bloodline Champions. Battlerite took what BLC was and made it super polished, I loved the gameplay, it was truly all skill, had a very WoW arena feel to it.
But it just seems that this is not a formT that people are into. On the one hand I get it, it is kind of sweaty, OTOH, the matches were super short.
Other notable examples of short burst fun competitive games, that just missed the mark for the general public: OmegaStrikers (basically as dead, still not quite there) and SpeedRunners (still a good pickup for playing with friends, if you strictly play together and don’t practice outside of your group, endless fun).