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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023

  • Yes, but you know what I did? nothing, I just have the program exclusively accept lowercase doom.wad

    This means it became annoying for the user. The problem shifted and now it’s the end-user the one with the responsibility to read the manual and do the work. A lot of people just get a DOOM.WAD, put it there and are surprised it doesn’t work.

    And there are many many programs that are doing the same thing in many similar situations. In fact, in the Linux world, most software pushes this to the end user. So this is just as much of a problem for users as it is for programmers.

    At the end of the day, the question should not be: is it more complexity for the user or for the programmer? …the question should be: what’s the end cause making it complex? is there a way it can be made simpler?

    This is the same for every problem. Often user-friendliness is a tradeoff, most user-friendly software I’ve used keeps so much complexity within that it becomes annoyingly slow and inefficient. I’d rather use the terminal for file management than wait for the GUI file browser to finish loading my huge remote storage directories.

  • But then you are not getting rid of the complexity, you are just forcing programs to become more complex/inefficient.

    I experienced this with the doom libretro core, which is meant to be portable and have minimal dependencies… so if I need it to automatically find DOOM.WAD/ doom.wad/Doom.WAD/etc in a directory I would either have to add a globbing library as dependency to handle this case and have it fetch [Dd][Oo][Oo][Mm].[Ww][Aa][Dd], manually check for each possible case, or list the entire directory (I hope you don’t have a library of a million wads!) and compare each file (after upper/lower) just to find the one with the right name. And that could be a real pain for embedded devices with low I/O or if there’s a remote storage layer behind.

  • I’m with you, and not just from a “human” perspective. Also when writing small programs meant to be relatively lean/simple it can be a problem when the user expects it to find a particular file regardless of its case (will it be DOOM.WAD or doom.wad? Doom.wad? Doom.WAD? … guess it’ll have to be [Dd][Oo][Oo][Mm].[Ww][Aa][Dd] and import some globbing library as extra dependency… that, or list the whole directory regardless its size and lower/upper every single filename until you find a matching one…)

  • That’s horrible for muscle memory, every time I switch desk/keyboard I have to re-learn the position of the home/end/delete/PgUp/PgDn keys.

    I got used to Ctrl-a / Ctrl-e and it became second nature, my hands don’t have to fish for extra keys, to the point that it becomes annoying when a program does not support that. Some map Ctrl-a to “Select all” so, for input fields where the selection is one line, I’d rather Ctrl-a then left/right to go to the beginning/end than fish for home/end, wherever they are.

    • Alt-delete deletes the whole word before cursor
    • Alt-d deletes the whole word after cursor
    • Ctrl-k deletes (kill) everything after the cursor

    Whatever is deleted is stored in the “killring” and can be pasted(yanked) back with Ctrl-y (like someone else already mentioned), consecutive uses of Alt-delete/Alt-d add to the killring.

    • Alt-b / Alt-f moves one word backwards / forwards
    • Alt-t swaps (translocates) the current word with the previous one
    • Ctrl-_ undo last edit operation

    All those bindings are the same as in emacs.

    Also, normally Ctrl-d inserts the end-of-file character, and typically can be used to close an active shell session or when you have some other interpreter open in the terminal for interactive input.

  • That quote was in the context of simply separating values with newlines (and the list also included “your language’s split or lines function”).

    Technically you don’t even need awk/sed/fzf, just a loop in bash doing read would allow you to parse the input one line at a time.

    while read line; do 
       echo $line # or whatever other operation
    done < whateverfile

    Also, those manpages are a lot less complex than the documentation for C# or Nushell (or bash itself), although maybe working with C#/nushell/bash is “easy when you’re already intuitively familiar with them”. I think the point was precisely the fact that doing that is easy in many different contexts because it’s a relatively simple way to separate values.

  • For the record, you mention “the limitations of the number of inodes in Unix-like systems”, but this is not a limit in Unix, but a limit in filesystem formats (which also extends to Windows and other systems).

    So it depends more on what the filesystem is rather than the OS. A FAT32 partition can only hold 65,535 files (2^16), but both ext4 and NTFS can have up to 4,294,967,295 (2^32). If using Btrfs then it jumps to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (2^64).