We don’t manufacture cars in the United States we assemble them. Most of the parts for cars are made outside of the states. Mainly in China.
Okay thanks. I downloaded first 7 episodes see how it goes.
Cool will give the show a listen. Is starting from the beginning besr way to go?
What do you talk about for 39 minutes before you get to the topic?
Hell I live there weather alone makes it sound pleasant. But how do most people make a living there? What’s thier economy based on?
What why they lower it? That make no sense with the new hardware of PS5 and Xbox Sx or whatever it’s called.
Okay thanks now I understand.
Same only tried it once was no fun. Yes they game was built to have multiple DLCs or hell lot more story could of been told.
Nice pic, can get context on the title? I can’t see nothing but looks like a almost boarded up window.
Only way I buy this:
If they try pull 100 dollar bullshit or fill it with micro transactions then I am out. Also I will not pre order this game (I didn’t with 5) I will wait until its out and I hear good things from the players.
Just like I did with 5. Had coworker who was bragging about the game every day. Finally and picked up a copy at Vintage Stock. This is the original PS3 version only one I have.
Why would I want a port to the NES? Wouldn’t we rarher port those games to PC vs the other way? I understand the callange, but maybe I don’t understand the why. What am I missing?
Cool and you did all the graphics yourself? I being playing around with python. Thinking of C ++ myself. It is hard to grasp? Keep in mind I’m in my mid 40’s.
Very cool, may ask what code you used?
No he had his face stuck to Trump ass and some it transferred to Zuck.
Jokes on yall, I have one in my home hooked up. Got it for my 40th birthday from my son. And I love it.
Or hear me out we make a Jane Bond just to watch the conservatives go crazy.
Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega, Super Maro Bro for the NES, along with Zelda, and Hotwheels micro racer. Blaster Master waa also a super fun game that I am on the hunt for. Far as Road Rash loved the PS1 version. Also play the shit out of Cruising the USA for the Nintendo 64.