People need to start putting trump “I did this” stickers on everything like the magats were on gas pumps.
A subscription service to do what steam streaming can already do, made by the second largest megacorporation. In my Linux? That’s a big old fuck no, eat shit, and get deposed.
No reason? How do you think those plates get made?
Most of the ones with toxins strong enough to kill you won’t do so for months after you consumed it a single time. They know something about playing the long game.
I wouldn’t say I can smell if there’s a single ant in the other room, but I can absolutely smell if there are ants. And I hate if I have to sweep them out do anything because they really pop off in distress. Its crazy how such a tiny thing can smell so bad.
I did like 2 hours of work today and spent the other 8 reading about aromatic polyamide synthesis. The IT guy also walked past my desk an unusual amount. The DEA you can’t have fun list did come up during research. I fucking hate the war on drugs, because I can’t make plastic.
It’s weird seeing how “the algorithm” has genuinely only made things worse. Falling into the YouTube rabbit hole was a thing, and it was entirely organic. From the loose connections of topics, you could start from any feel good funny video, and end in detailed documentary about MK Ultra.
The best algorithm was no algorithm and there’s no way of ever going back to that. I feel pretty lucky to have experienced the internet before it became everything.
Skip your mouth and just shovel it directly into your gullet
OSRS was in the $4 per month range for me when I played it when it wasn’t OS. I never got it.
So corporations use ai and bots themselves in order to inflate their stats and steal money from investors and share holders(see Reddit) and its all cool. Someone does that but it costs the corporation some money. Straight to jail.
Seriously, how has the reddit IPO which was offered to users not been a fraudulent scheme due to the website statistics being based on genuine user interaction with no mention of auto reposting or bots that are either operated by or hired by reddit?
It genuinely seems like the next ponzi scheme but that would require so many federal agencies that stopped giving shit and learning how the world works to see any peep into that business.
But what do I know, I’m just some average Joe that gets audited over a $300 mistake on annual taxs which I have to pay a private third party more than that to do.
The ghost in my house was getting mad for some reason and shutting off my lights for too long. I went poking around in the wires and couldn’t find anything so I “accidentally” shorted a main. Apparently a 15kw copper flashbang was enough to scare it away. Lights stopped flickering and turning off and I didn’t change anything.
The reel. I heard this a long time ago. I fish a lot now but only fresh water so I can only guess what the deal was. Could be just to reel them in fast since they pass so quick. Could also be used to raise a net quickly. But they were rod with I think chain saw engines.
Now that I’m thinking about it, electric motorized reels are popular today for deep sea fishing. Maybe these were actually the 70s prototype to haul fish up 300m and catching flying fish is another story I’m mixing it up with.
Edit: I’m so sure I remember the cover of a fishing magazine that had like 3 people on the bank with these chainsaw rods to catch flying fish.
My dad told me some story about how people would catch flying fish with fishing poles that had little gas engines on them. This would be in the 70s on an large Atlantic island.
One restart post-update restarts changed it and helped, but something was still off. Took me like 30 minutes but it looks like my nvidia HDMI audio output got reset to a really low 16 bit sample rate. Got that set back to a decent 24 bit and its closer, but something is still off. I don’t think I had any settings/levels/enchanments.
I just updated and now my audio sounds like shit.
Saw this posted in a ADHD com a few days back. Every comment was just like “oh no…”. I opened it and like 20 minutes later realized, oh no. I can and have spent many entire days just reading Wikipedia and following linked subjects. So much so I run out in areas. I can’t handle a lot of visual and audio stimulation, short form content is such a nightmare for me, can’t watch it. But give me pages of the most dense info and I’m hooked. I just need the option to download every paper referenced from every Wikipedia page I visit.