I’m anaspeptic, phrasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericombobulation.
Great post, I offer my most enthusiastic contrafribularities.
Why? It was terrible. Most are trying to forget it.
Peanut butter guy:
Say “on skib a dee” to any young kid. They love it.
Start exercising regularly and eating correctly now.
Yup, me too!
Non paywall linky:
You want to put an upside down pineapple image on your stateroom door.
This guy is such a disappointment.
Right, Since it can’t call home, the advanced features will not work or at least not work as described, is that correct?
Does the PS pirate version have the Ai stuff, removal features and such?
Does she need photoshop and illustrator and video editing or just word processing?
I have an app for that.