“How to enter subspace” “How to bind subs”
“How to enter subspace” “How to bind subs”
But that’s not all that useful, since it’s not stable and will turn soon into quickersilver
It’s interesting to meet someone else who also struggles with an overuse of parentheses and ellipses (I didn’t know what they were called, thanks for that!).
This is a complete shot in the dark, but do you also happen to be on the spectrum? (I have nothing to base this on expect my theory that overclarification could be more common among neurodivergent people)
Edit: ellipsis -> ellipses
For me even kagi didn’t provide a recent doc, but at least there is no garbage-sites (which I have blocked)
Yeah, the secret is to debloat it all the way to 7. Going under that is not advisable expect under doctors supervision.
My partner sets two alarms, one an hour earlier when they take the adhd medicine and go back to sleep. It has sped up their bed -> outside time significantly.
The posts are from march 2023, and there are no ads yet :/
That would make sence, also the domain is really good (lasinvaihto.fi, translates to windscreenreplacement.fi). Maybe they are planning to sell the domain?
Recently I was looking for info (in finnish) how to prevent car windows from fogging. I found a really weird website all about car windows, but it kept confusing car and house windows. It instructed to clean car windows by “opening the window and cleaning between the panels”.
It was obviously ai-generated, but I couldn’t figure out why. They weren’t selling anything, there were no ads and no links to other websites or services.
Edit: I found the site again, I cannot spot anything nefarious, but proceed with caution: https://www.lasinvaihto.fi/
I assume the problem with kagi is the price, which is hard to swallow as we have get used to free products?
Another option is adding canned chickpeas, they work with almost any ramen
Close! That would be konnavesi.
Probably, since every other post is about search engines, and many of us have been cursing the ever-worsening search results from google, with no real alternative (that actually provides better results than google).
Now that there is finally an ad-free product that performs like Google did 5-10 years ago, of course, I want others to have the same experience and not get frustrated when they can’t find the information they’re seeking.
Give kagi a shot, it’s paid service, but they have a 100 search trial
Give kagi a try, if you haven’t yet.
I go through the alphabets and try to come up with a words that starts with each letter, that fits in a specific category. Atm I’m working on fruits, so Apple, Banana, Coconut etc.
I can get tinnitus if I have too much ear-wax and I have to remove it periodically, since it wont come out on its own.
Unfortunately you need to (at least in my experience) purge the feed couple times a year. Just use “not interested” with a heavy hand and a light heart. It tends to recommend new stuff after that.
Also the chart is same for after lunch