Pinus Radiata on Wikipedia
Pinus Radiata on Wikipedia
Tardigrades are effectively invisible to the naked eye, so it might be rather disappointing.
Why would we need such a strong sensitivity to it?
$20 for a single article of underwear?
What am I missing? What’s the oopsies?
Same, I block communities but have yet to block a person.
6,000 to 12,000 years old is what I heard. I’m guessing that this “Christians Against Science” page is a joke community that is making fun of YECs by saying it’s 4,000.
That’s why I like to mod my games with a gravestone mod. Your items are safe but dying still costs you something.
Octopuses have beaks. Are beaks considered part of a skeleton?
I’ve always thought that the Maul we got was cartoonishly evil looking.
Surviving sharpened examples point to actual use as weapons, but their rarity, and the training necessary to use them, strongly suggest that they were only rarely used as such.
Mango juice is legitimately too sweet for me.
I believe you are looking for hydrostatic equilibrium. There don’t seem to be good answers for this online, but according to Robert Black on this Quora post:
There isn’t a minimium per se but the generally accepted number for a mass to form into a sphere under its own gravity is 1/10,000th the mass of the Earth or 600 quintillion kg. As for size, it really depends on the composition of the body. The numbers are generally accepted to have a diameter of about 600km for a rocky body.
A quintillion is 1 x 10 to the 18th and Phobos has a mass of 1.0659 x 10 to the 16th kilograms and a diameter of 22 kilometers.
This meme is making these different disciplines answer questions they were never intended to answer. It’s like complaining that a school principal isn’t out there teaching students: that’s not their role and it would be silly to expect them to do otherwise.
Philosophers would ask something like, “what is a cat?”
Metaphysicians would ask something like, “how can we know that the cat truly exists?”
Theologians would ask something like, “what does the Bible say about cats?”
I guess it depends on the employer. I don’t do office work myself, but according to what I’ve heard from my wife about her jobs in banking adjacent fields, she has a few different queues of things to do that everyone takes from.
The way you phrased this could go either way: were you never taking on more work, no matter how obviously it needed to get done, just because you weren’t explicitly told to do that job? Because that would be a fair criticism in my estimation.
That’s not what they are saying at all. They’re saying small vehicles aren’t even safe in crashes with other small vehicles, let alone with bigger vehicles.
“Fireballs and bolides are astronomical terms for exceptionally bright meteors that are spectacular enough to to be seen over a very wide area. … A fireball is an unusually bright meteor that reaches a visual magnitude of -3 or brighter when seen at the observer’s zenith. … Fireballs that explode in the atmosphere are technically referred to as bolides although the terms fireballs and bolides are often used interchangeably.”
Mind explaining why?
You know how telescopes often use glass lenses to bend light into your eye? A gravitational lens is just a naturally occurring telescope, except that the gravity of a large object is the one bending the light towards us. From what I understand, an Einstein lens is just a gravitational lens where the elements for the lens sit in a particularly good setup.