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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2024


  • If you’re totally uninterested, independently of potential awkwardness, I’d basically explain as much. “I think you’re cool and we have a lot in common, but I’ve been thinking and realized I might not be comfortable with the age difference and potentially changing the group dynamic.”

    If it’s purely the potential external consequences that have you ready to cut off the possibility, and you could actually see yourself in a relationship with them, I’d say you could mention that concern, but don’t let it make the decision for you. Sounds like this is someone likely to understand social anxiety and who also values the group dynamic, so I doubt they’d react super negatively to mentioning that you want to be careful about that and preserve it while seeing if there’s more there between the two of you.

  • Tbh, I feel like the plot didn’t stand the test of the 15 years they spent making it, and that was sort of understood in its reception/people’s watching experience.

    Story-wise, it was just “Dances With Wolves Aliens” meets “The Last Samurai Alien” in the VR age.

    Visually, it was an inspiring demonstration of technology. The fate of any work with those priorities is to become historically important and notably dated. The technology displayed is no longer bleeding edge; anyone watching it for the first time in 2024 will miss the novelty that made the visuals so arresting to 2009 viewers–they’ve seen equally impressive things in friends’ living rooms now. The experience now is about something that was impressive for the time rather than impressive for this time, and I think everyone was ok with that being the future of the project.

  • I disagree personally. I don’t think they need to be side by side to appreciate the difference, so long as you’ve ever experienced both. I miss the things that I know I’d get with better speakers when I listen on a different setup, and I still enjoy the experience, but it doesn’t move me as deeply when I feel something missing. And I don’t think it’s (all/entirely) placebo. A subwoofer that reaches 10hz lower, moves more air, and fires faster gives you a lot more to hear/feel/appreciate, and to me really changes my physical and emotional reaction to music.