9 days agoSeems pretty good, just waiting on the communities im in to leave discord.
Seems pretty good, just waiting on the communities im in to leave discord.
I’d like to know myself.
Plenty of blog sites support rss by just adding /index, /feed, /atom to the sites names Example: https://www.ntietz.com/atom.xml https://chriscoyier.net/feed/
So I’ve just been adding them gradually as i encounter blogs i care to read.
No OC, but i “read you” on fdroid. Imo its the best option I’ve found for mobile.
On desktop there are a lot of options but i dont have a sigular recomendation.
I highly recommend the xenoblade series. 1,2, and 3 are on switch with a remake of X coming in a few months. All nintendo exclusive games well worth their cost (if you have time for a jrpg)