Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
“But that still doesn’t mean you’ll get to play it”
Well then it doesn’t exist.
And until I actually am staring at the introduction screens, it’s vaporware.
Have we gone on long enough to see the endless wheel of “HALF LIFE 3???” once again spin back around? I remember seeing a handful of these a year, every time valve did anything.
Expect nothing, and you can’t be disappointed.
Kojima dropped David Hayter like a sack of rotting potatoes, they can both get fucked.
The corpo can get fucked extra hard though.
From my understanding, it’s how many processes it’s running?,
Could be open tabs, but my Firefox always has at least (3) even when I’ve just opened it.
“The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems customers slip through your fingers.”
In the same vein, “Holy shit, that WORKED?”
Oof. Honestly I’m surprised it was only three. At least you finally have a paper trail, if you’ve got any insurance that might cover it.
As for the ISP, there’s always the possibility of requesting assistance directly from them, but they probably have internal rules about handing info to non-law enforcement, regardless of the reason.
And if you’ve got some friends who don’t mind backup for intimidation, you could always show up at each workers door, politely introduce yourself and the reason for your appearance. If any of them immediately slam the door in your face or get defensive upon recognizing you (before you tell them why you’re there) then there’s a good chance they know you’re there because they took something.
Anecdote: this happened with my truck in 2019. Someone broke in and stole about $1500 worth of things from a really nice pair of binocs, to the 2000w inverter, and my hand-made bowie knife, and a couple small camping and fishing things. Had to threaten to call the only supervisor I know by name in the police department to get the guy to even take a report for my insurance. They didn’t bother following up with the woman who told me she saw the guy. A few weeks go by and I see someone fitting his description driving the described car, I follow for a bit and he went home. I parked the truck right up in front of the door, knocked, and as soon as he opened and looked past me to the truck he yelled “GET LOST OR I’LL FUCK YOU UP” and that was all I needed to call the cops. After about an hour of waiting someone showed up, talked to the guy, said “well he said he didn’t do it and we never called this woman for a description so we can’t be SURE”
Well lo and behold, a quick glance into his car showed the 2kw inverter under the dashboard, and I was positive I could see the rather distinct custom leather strap of the binoculars under the seat.
No idea who, but apparently someone smashed the guys window to steal a bunch of stuff out of it and they were kind enough to return my items. Crazy how they knew just where to leave them for me to find.
Best of luck in recovering it. Hopefully you get the quick and less… legally/morally ambiguous way.
The system is working as designed.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Honestly, I didn’t question that just because I’ve heard flat-earthers talk about the “ice wall”, so I just assumed it really was from a FE forum or something.
But hey, new world map for a tabletop!
“is a lengthy time consuming process”
No, it REALLY isn’t, and any pig that tells you otherwise is trying to get you to drop the issue so they don’t have more paperwork.
They don’t give a shit about your stolen items, and 9/10 times it’s a complete waste to even contact them over “petty theft”, regardless of how valuable the item/s are to you.
Lol at least she just thinks they’re pretty instead of thinking it’ll balance her energies.
No, because large weddings are a waste of money and stress, neither of which I make enough money to afford.
No, I made the ring from sapphire (birth stone) and silver. Jewelry is easier than you might think when you’ve been doing small metalwork for knife handles, pommels, and guards.
One day at work, I found out a work friend actually believed the whole “crystal energy” thing.
Since she was the first person I had ever met who actually admitted to that, I wanted to know more about what her specific beliefs about them were.
At first she was super bubbly about it, on par with her personality. But then as I asked a couple common sense questions about why science doesnt find anything measurable, and first she got hostile and mad that I would dare question another person’s beliefs, but when I explained I was genuinely curious and had no interest in changing her beliefs she just kind of broke down because nobody ever takes her seriously or believes her about her “personal healing journey”
The way I see it, it’s for adults who like pretty rocks, but can’t come to terms with the fact that they like something “childish” (because for some reason a lot of adults call a rock collection cringe or childish or dumb, but clearly they’ve never met a geologist) so instead of having a pretty rock and mineral collection, they have “healing crystals”, and eventually it just becomes kind of like part of their identity the way a religion is.
I will however, 100% giggle at their expense with my wife, later. Because anyone who buys $50 polished selenite drink coaster “charging plate”, and a $200 brass pyramid to “recharge” their $50 “healing quartz wand” while refusing to listen to real science deserves to be giggled at.
You know, as much as I hate it… “you know it when you see I but hard to definet” really is accurate.
There’s plenty of things that aren’t outright illegal that are completely inappropriate around children.
And if there are things that are context specific, it gets a lot harder to make a computer recognize a problem.
Audio cues are easy to scan for and computers are pretty good at recognizing sounds, especially in regards to copyright detection (even if their interpretation of “fair use” clause is still fucked 6 ways)
Video is a lot harder unless the computer is trying to match direct images (it’s a lot easier to recognize a still frame from The Avengers when it’s uploaded full size than it is to recognize a slightly warped, smaller cropped version with someone in front of it commenting on the video)
me, thinking of elsagate
First time?
Last time I saw this, I was on reddit, and it said “from 4chan”
I wonder if I’ll see it say “from lemmy” someday?
Giant Sloths high as fuck… Would that make the super sloths, or go the opposite way and speed them up?
I hear what you’re saying, and I recognize anyone inside would be safe from being eaten… However, as with an elephant, I wouldn’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night having intruded upon their home.
Can you imagine being stuck in the dawn of human agriculture, and you seek shelter in a nice cave that you found… And then a Giant Sloth just lumbers in after a bit.
I mean, I imagine any Homo species of the time would know not to go inside one of these, but still.