I got banned for telling a mod “spank spank spank. Thats the sound I make as I spank you. Yes yes yes. Thats the sound you make as I spank you.” And I don’t regret it
Im always happy to see firefly on something. They are one of the companies I want to apply to post grad school. In an alt universe, this would’ve been Garmin
When I was in my middle school I rode my bike in a circle for 7hrs. It was on a bet for a lizard. If I could do it my dad would have to buy my a bearded dragon. I got the dragon. I had that thang on me. But he passed away
Yeah I tried that, Claude with some C code. Unfortunately the Ai only took me from point A to point A. And it only took a few hours :D
And I thought I was the only one… for smaller bash scripts chatGPT/Deepseek does a good enough job at it. Though I still haven’t tried VScode’s copilot on bash scripts. I have only tried it wirh C code and it kiiiinda did an ass job at helping…
I like the idea of generating emojis with Ai on phones. All other use cases that apple has presented seem useless to me. I was really hoping it would be something, anything, but it was just underwhelming. And then apple didnt even have it ready for the iphone 16 at launch but said the phone was built for apple intelligence…? Seems kinda rushed and half baked to me. I also like using copilot is vscode. Its proven to be pretty good at helping me debug