The set of all possible universes does not include impossible universes. If you assume all possible universes exist, you’ve already eliminated universes that are the only universe as impossible.
The set of all possible universes does not include impossible universes. If you assume all possible universes exist, you’ve already eliminated universes that are the only universe as impossible.
The ID verification is the purpose. Keeping minors off is a smokescreen, tracking every citizen on social media is the real reason for this law.
Silent? I fucking wish you idiots were silent.
Yes. The exceptions are a smaller cardinality of infinity than the set of all real numbers.
Anything with a nonzero probability will happen infinitely many times. The complete works of Shakespeare consist of 5,132,954 characters, 78 distinct ones. 1/(78^5132954 ) is an incomprehensibly tiny number, millions of zeroes after the decimal, but it is not zero. So the probability of it happening after infinitely many trials is 1. lim(1-(1-P)^n ) as n approaches infinity is 1 for any nonzero P.
An outcome that you’d never see would be a character that isn’t on the keyboard.
“Guess what! I’ve named a boil on my ass after you. It, too, bothers me every time I sit down.”
-Gheed, Diablo 2.
To quote the Onion themselves:
No price would be too high for such a cornucopia of malleable assets and minds. And yet, in a stroke of good fortune, a formidable special interest group has outwitted the hapless owner of InfoWars (a forgettable man with an already-forgotten name) and forced him to sell it at a steep bargain: less than one trillion dollars.
Because novelty is all it has. As soon as it stops improving in a way that makes people say “oh that’s neat”, it has to stand on the practical merits of its capabilities, which is, well, not much.
We could have had that. Now, we might not even have an FTC.
Strictly speaking, the energy it consumes is the gravitational potential energy of the ore they’re mining, which would be consumed anyway in the form of, well, gravity, acting on the ore on the way down. They’re just using it productively instead of dissipating it as heat from the brakes. Using only energy that ordinarily would have been wasted is of course very neat, but it’s not breaking any laws of physics.
Not too long ago, this would be a career-ending display of corruption.
Sure. Let’s just apply that consistently then. Atoms are binary, the vast majority (with fewer than 1% of atoms being exceptions) can be accurately identified as one of two distinct elements, hydrogen or helium.
Yep. Same software, same hardware, just different config files.
It’s probably a blue area in a red state. They intentionally open fewer polling places there as a voter suppression tactic, hoping people will see the line and figure their vote doesn’t have enough weight to justify the time.
The worrying part is the implications of what they’re claiming to sell. They’re selling an imagined future in which there exists a class of sapient beings with no legal rights that corporations can freely enslave. How far that is from the reality of the tech doesn’t matter, it’s absolutely horrifying that this is something the ruling class wants enough to invest billions of dollars just for the chance of fantasizing about it.
90 F to Kelvin, halved and converted back, is approximately -190.
It’s difficult to find data on what exposure to that temperature would do, the threshold for an extreme cold warning (meaning absolutely do not go outside without heavy protection unless you want necrotic frostbite) is about 150 F warmer than that.
Which raises the question of why he would create a planet with the illusion of age and send you to hell for falling for his own trick.
But it’s very funny to respond to babies babbling nonsense with “yes, I see, an intriguing point.”
Every suppressed vote is as fraudulent as any fake vote.