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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • This article is a good breakdown.

    The transgenic mice thing is for one of the several studies listed which I think we’re justified in highlighting and poking fun of their lack of QA and reading comprehension in these releases since they’re supposed to be representing the US and acting like drunken college students doing their homework the night before it’s due.

    The other studies are on the affects of HRT or “gender-affirming therapy” which is used by cis people all the time. Ever heard of a cis man going to get testosterone because he’s concerned about his low T? That’s gender affirming therapy. Most cis people don’t realize how much “trans healthcare” affects them too. Some of this research is specifically on “cross sex” hormones and is probably more directly applicable to the trans community, but it also likely has broader implications on the science of hormones and side effects for everyone regardless of if they’re cis or trans. This is one of several reasons why we say trans rights are human rights.

  • It still has meaning, but the lines have become a bit blurred. They used to all have more toned down art and dry themes like Castles of Burgundy, Hansa Teutonica, Tigris & Euphrates, and Medici to name a few. Now many have better visuals and themes while still maintaining the core aspects:

    • Few luck elements where the board state can be read and strategic decisions made off that information. There can still be some luck, but you have ways of mitigating that luck or that luck affects all players relatively equally like board setup.
    • No “take that” elements where someone loses a card or board pieces or something directly or where all players can gang up on a single player. Instead “fights” are more over who gets to a space or gets a resource first and what they have to give up in order to achieve that.
    • Typically involve some sort of “engine” or build up where the decisions you made earlier in the game influence what is more valuable to you later and you see the payoff and consequences of your earlier decisions

    More contemporary bgg top 100 games that I think still fit firmly in the euro category even if they have more interesting themes:

    • Beyond the Sun
    • Gaia Project
    • On Mars

  • Volume changes based on temperature and pressure. So when we reference volume measurements like for flow rates, we typically do the math to adjust those to standard temperature and pressure. Standard pressure is 1 atm but standard temperature varies based on who you’re talking to because of competing standards. It’s usually 25 C or 20 C.

    When we want to reference the non temperature and pressure corrected volume, we append actual to it so that people know what the measurement is. Some people don’t do that and that causes confusion for others using their work if the reading is standard or actual.