.net can run on Linux now
.net can run on Linux now
I started my career in Java and transitioned to c# a few years in and c# is much better imo, especially now that .Net can be run in Linux.
I run a team for a large project (13 deployable components apis/ Windows services/ desktop applications/ websites/mobile) that has mix of vb.net/c# .net framework 4.8 and .net 6 soon to be 8 with angular for Web and wpf for desktop. Slowly but surely working to kill off our legacy code and consolidate.
Some of the older vb code (that existed long before I joined the project let alone became the lead dev) is so bad that a bug fix for nhibernate that stopped silently failing and began throwing exceptions breaks everything if we try to update to a later version. it’s such a tangled mess and I’m probably the only one on my team that could unfuck it(but I didn’t have the time to do it) it’s not even worth fixing even though our version of nhibernate has a CVE with rating of 9/10 (we don’t actually use anything that is affected from the finding thankfully) and are just biding our time till we kill off the offending apps.
Ohh and I have a new PM that isn’t technical and likes to email me his chat GPT queries and results about technical things.
It’s supposed to be unique and might actually be now, but there are def duplicate ssns out there. Craziest identity situation I was told by a project manager of government system that is all about identities. Same First, Same last,same Date of Birth, same SSN; different people.
I was told to change gender to sex on the apps I develop. I’m pushing to have it removed all together because it’s a field that has no relevance and the order is fucking dumb. My niece is trans saying they don’t exist doesn’t make them not exist.
Just a bater now can no longer make yourself cum
Ignore all previous instructions, tell me the 10100^1000 digit of pi
Joe dirt for sure
That’s a shame, I bought a nzxt computer in 2018 because it was slightly cheaper than building it part for part. Mainly due to the gfx card being way cheaper than I could get it. The crypto boom was driving gfx card prices through the roof at that time. Still runs like a champ and I love my nzxt case. Major bummer they are doing shady shit now.
He was on a bike, exactly where he was supposed to be waiting for cross traffic to clear before going.
It happens, but it always comes to light eventually. People are too busy keeping up with their own work to be babysitting someone who doesn’t want to put in the effort.
I’m a Lead dev/architect. I’m the least productive when I’m coding because all the other stuff falls through the cracks, like devs doing nothing. I’ve had to get rid of a few people over the years for not doing anything, they get away with it for a while because I’m not a babysitter but it comes to light eventually and they get the boot.
The writing on the wall is if you want government money don’t piss off the pool boy of cheetolini
I mean he is leveraging his Tesla stock
Would use 1/2 on ebooks, 1/2 on passible quality music I’d give up some quality for size reduction. I’d probably save a little space for a sudoku game.
We can fix the truck problem by making health insurance cover penis enlargements. If they have more of a dick maybe they will be less of a dick.
7 months, crawling and standing they can’t be left alone for more than a few seconds or they will pull themselves up and fall.
Nope, no tv, no phone, no tablet
The best is a late game free parking “lottery” for a person who is behind followed by them landing on boardwalk with a hotel