Steady on, think of the frame rate drop.
has the potential to throw international economies into chaos, destabilize world security, and make videogames more expensive
One of these is not like the others.
Time to play all those games you purchased and haven’t even installed yet.
He’s right to be worried. People might start believing in spurious nonsense.
Ah awesome, I was only thinking about you both the other evening and wondered how you were doing.
I hope everything is going well so far.
Ah you pussies. Come on, show them you’re serious. Go dark again. Show them you really mean it and do the rest of the territories too. Forever.
I’ve been using Feedly on iOS for a few years since google dropped their rss client.
How do you work out your Texas age?
Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.
Nope. Too much hassle for the once a decade that I need a printer.
There’s a lot of people who can’t even manage that many.
Christ, Bungle’s aged!
“We’re sorry, we thought you wouldn’t notice and that we could get away with it”.
I wonder if there’s going to be a lot more of this kind of thing once those tariffs kick in.
Am old, can sympathise.
Don’t worry, I’m sure your IQ test will come back negative too.
To whom? Cambridge students?
I thought water wasn’t wet, just the stuff it touches.
I’m surprised they’re not toe-ing the line.
My dumb ass: “Is it just 1.5m Germans, or other heights too?”