If your business model is predicated on breaking the law then you don’t deserve to exist.
All of Wall Street sweating nervously
I mean, I’d say there’s a qualitative difference between industrial products and a novel, for example.
I mean, given what will likely happen to the FDA, I’m sure mercury will get reclassified as a vitamin or some shit.
Thank you for your service
It’s kind of funny when you consider that the VW design was a ripoff of the Czech-made Tatra T97.
If you have a better geometrical shape for memorializing a good boys’ two favorite sticks, I’d like to hear it.
I’ve considered that before. I’m just not sure I’m proficient enough to be able to do that on my own. I can apparently buy laptops with Linux as the OS from a tech store where I live, so I may eventually go that route.
It’s really annoying to me that Firefox doesn’t seem to work well on my chromebook, so I’m stuck with Chrome until I need a new computer…
I want to believe…
Jupiter excitedly pointing out this news to Juno
You know how a bunch of villains are Dr. So-and-So? I bet it’s dealing with morons talking about your area of expertise that leads to one’s villain era.