Ah yes, the famously communist Russian Federation. The RF is nakedly an imperial fascist regime that doesn’t even have communist window dressing, it boggles the mind that self-proclaimed communists and anti-imperialists support them.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • It is definitely more successful than the previous strategy in one of the ancestors was (or else it wouldn’t have been selected for), and mutations that reduce the dementia and allow for more reproductive cycles seen to negatively influence reproduction in either fitness or number of the offspring or chance of successful reproduction, so the trait persists.

    Since this is a numbers game, even miniscule differences in reproductive success (which isn’t clearly measurable in the wild) have a large impact on genetic drift.

    Since the origin of the current behavior lies in the past, it might not be possible to see what evolutionary pressure induced the behavior in the first place.

  • I went through most of the linked documentation, and the only thing that i was able to find was under https://elizaos.github.io/eliza/docs/advanced/eliza-in-tee/ in the docker-compose.yaml

                - SMALL_REDPILL_MODEL=anthropic/claude-3-5-sonnet
                - MEDIUM_REDPILL_MODEL=anthropic/claude-3-5-sonnet
                - LARGE_REDPILL_MODEL=anthropic/claude-3-opus
                - TWITTER_DRY_RUN=false

    which tracks with elons shitty type of humor. in the screenshot “Click on the Logs tab to view the agent logs” there is a timestamp: 2024-12-07, which, if it uses american style YYYY-DD-MM, would give credence to the statement that elon had earlier access to the ELIZA Agent.

    I didn’t find anything else, but i must admit that i am tired as hell and might have

    edit: fixed my date stuff and i might have missed something lol

  • I’m not the one asked, but since i am owner of an old ass myself i’ll chip in. My solution would be to reduce the desktop resolution if desktop readability is the problem. 4k is probably not the resolution you are gaming at? even if you do, you can just select a lower desktop resolution and crank it up when gaming (if the game supports scaling). other than that i can only recommend using magnification tools for the desktop and i don’t think there are any solutions for games that don’t bring their own scaling.

    for my part, i use steams big picture mode as uion the tv, which works on any resolution.