Like murder what we are very likely to learn is 100,000 Palestinians.
Like murder what we are very likely to learn is 100,000 Palestinians.
I don’t put certain things like dishes that contacted raw eggs in the dishwasher so that won’t happen. I’m still learning what the optimal way to use a dishwasher is though. This smell has a name in Arabic, زنخة (zanakha).
I want to highlight a practical usecase for password management with open source tools. Keepass (gnome secrets on computers, and keepassdx on mobile) with syncthing syncing encrypted password files between the devices. Very effective so far. Passwords are synced seamlessly.
I would’ve agreed when I used i3 and no desktop environment, but now that I’m running gnome on fedora? I completely disagree. The user experience on gnome is far more coherent, intuitive, and less convoluted than on windows.
“Linux” isn’t doing that because it’s not a centralized capitalist entity like google. Red hat is the best positioned entity to do it but I’m not sure if they have the ability to lobby manufacturers, sign deals with them, and market the platform like google did. There has to be a strong centralized drive towards this. If the Linux sector supports the idea, a central org has to be formed to do it and the whole sector has to support it.
Things do work on Wayland and often with less fuss. Those criticisms are often opinionated hardline views. Some have truth to them, but they throw the baby out with the bath water.
That Israel is not a colonial state. All it’s founders defined it as a European colonial project. It was and is allied with all the colonial powers and projects like Britain, the US, apartheid south Africa, and Rhodesia. Its funding association was called the Palestine Jewish colonization association. It’s bank was called the Jewish colonial trust. The Jewish national fund and the Zionist project at large was from the beginning concerned with building segregated colonies.
First, lands were bought with foreign funding from feudal land lords, and their inhabitants were entirely dispossessed, kicked out. Then when awareness of the ultimate goals of the Zionist project crystalized and resistance against Palestinian dispossession mounted, the lands were ethnically cleansed by force and the people massacred. 700 to 800 thousand Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in one continuous military operation that spanned two years from 1947 to 1948.
Zionist leaders fully acknowledged that Palestinian demographics were a core issue to the Zionist project, that the Palestinian population had to be removed at any cost, which is exactly what Israel did. What lead to the Palestinians being defenseless in this situation? Colonial Britain abetted the formation of heavily armed Zionist militias with soldiers numbering in the tens of thousands. The arms of Britain’s colonial military presence were inherited by the Zionist forces that it supported. All this while Britain summarily excecuted any Palestinian found in possession of a firearm.
This is not to mention the enthusiastic support of european antisemites for the Zionist project, or its strict early opposition by antifascist jews.
The idea that Israel has any right to exist on Palestinian land is a lie that has been so heavily proliferated, it has to be debunked when it should be paid no consideration at all.
Actually it means raping brutalizing and killing civilians in territory where you are not welcome
Last I checked they are lmfao. The US is Israel’s patron empire. Without the US propping it up Israel would be on the brink of collapse if not already nonexistent. The US has almost complete authority over Israel. It is the US’s loyal dog.