“I’m just saying…”
“I’m just saying…”
Oh, I thought you meant shoot at the rich. My bad.
Like, one dude.
Don’t lump me in with the USAians. No thank you.
I was being sarcastic. Edited my message. Of course change is slow. IMO it’s idiotic to expect large changes without doing a fucking thing for it. “I’ll just twiddle my thumbs and live life as always, surely something will change”.
Yeah, I agree. The only thing that matters is when things have huge impact. Change happens immediately and never in small increments. It’s worthless to make people aware of how they can be part of the solution. That’s just messing with hope.
Edit: Really should’ve added the /s
How are there so many people in the US with guns shooting at each other and poorer people, but not the rich? It’s like they literally live in “Don’t Look Up”.
Yeah, why try doing anything, right? Action only counts when everybody does it! You, puny little human, are worthless. Your ideas not worth repeating. Don’t ever try and organise anything. It’s not worth it. \s
Stop being a pawn for the rich.
A breastfeeding pillow? Wat?
Progressives need better social media managers and to not be above playing dirty. They should be spamming their ideologies over all social media, being loud about mistakes the others made, being low-brow and making memes, phrases and shit that even monkeys on the right can understand. Give the media something to talk about - all publicity is good publicity. The nazis and right-wingers learned it, when will the progressives?
Germans better not vote right-wing or “Christian” again, otherwise they can say bye bye to public transportation funding for the next 4 years.
Get fucked Nintento. Get. Fucked!
The USAians will put a gun on and into anything, won’t they?
What does this have to do with Steam?
Are people starting to flee the US?
I remember seeing the post about you looking for a job there. Congrats on making it out!
Goddammit, US news is going to spam every fucking community. Time to block this one before the deluge.
Can somebody short the stock now?