Maybe ingest it and then use UV light or inject bleach. I hear Ivermectin helps against everything.
Maybe ingest it and then use UV light or inject bleach. I hear Ivermectin helps against everything.
Imagine working in a gorilla sanctuary.
Anakin: “Aww, a piñata too! You shouldn’t have!”
Oh yeah? And what if someone ignores that, simply lies and says it’s toxic? I’m convinced!
Countdown until Musk sues every single one of them for the crime, no treason of not giving him all their money.
But EA clearly know how to rake in money with the yearly version of SportsGame 2021 2022 2023 2024. They are expected to make just as much cash by releasing the exact same movie every year. Who knows, maybe they’ll add microtransactions.
Countdown until it turns out that everybody associated with any competition to Musk’s companies just so happens to be a criminal Trump siccs his DOJ after: 5… 4…
“WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN DO YOU WANT THE TERRORISTS TO WIN?? Now shut up and give us your private data and let us control your access to ‘your’ games.”
“Fuck that particular con, I have a president in my pocket now.”
Which oune wold yo souggest?
*Hannibal Lecter
“Go on, eat me. See what happens.”
“I’ll digest you!”
“Frank, this is the third time this week. Just admit you’re into it.”
Sure, you go and “curate” and put only half of the donation in the exhibition area and it’s “fine” but when my zoo gets a panda on loan and I decide to do the same, everybody’s all mad all of a sudden.
At least they can finally admit that they are not a car company.
Seems a bit far-fetched.
I mean Palpatine is a well-respected politician. Their kind wouldn’t lie. He has said himself that his side are the good guys, what more proof do you want?
I wonder if watching Rogue One before Andor (and of course right after once again) or seeing the whole thing chronologically will be a better overall experience.
It’s iterative AI slop but they don’t even have the excuse of being AI.
I disagree that the entire EU was better. To me, it seems like the combined works in the EU were just so enormous that there were enough high points one would positively remember WHILE at the same point allowing for singular bad instances to be mostly ignored. With the unified canon disney has established, having one bad trilogy will forever taint all the remaining pieces because you can’t handwave TRoS away and pretend it didn’t or will not happen in canon. Marvel and DC comics have hundreds of timelines and hundreds of different iterations and versions of heroes and wildly different stories and you can pick and choose what you like and ignore the rest. If disney does a poop at any point in the one solidified Star Wars timeline, that poop is now there to stay and everybody now has to bend over backwards to make it appear like it’s less of a poop than it really is.
If they had cut the second season down to a length where it didn’t feel like a good deal of padding up to the final episode, then the entire arc would have been A+. That last episode was just a surgically precise hit right in the feels.
Darwin approves.