Tomato, tomato.
This was all it was about the whole time. The executive branch has been outright bought so Musk can avoid consequences for his businesses’ questionable-at-best ethics.
The real reason Hannibal Lecter broke out was he had to write Clojure in Notepad
*2.000000001 years
We knew this was coming. Hopefully the shitty engineering comes back to bite them.
Are you a writer for Netflix? Because you’re deviating from the source material pretty hard here.
What a stupid fucking headline
Maybe after Herbert’s idiot son dies and someone else gets the rights
Stop giving me bad ideas lol
e: I suck at markdown
Less. Our population is something like 330m now I think.
I’d watch this if I didn’t know about programming just for the sheer weirdness
It can be both. Pissweak corpodems don’t inspire enough people for a landslide, and landslides are much harder to rig.
People need to know that posting doesn’t actually do anything!
posts an article about it
Let’s not leave Mirror’s Edge off of this list.
Wildlands was also great for this kind of stuff
Same deal with making shit absurdly difficult and relying on trying over and over until you manage to do the correct timing/sequence/whatever 28934928x in a row. Games like Dark Souls or Cuphead intrigue me, but I will never ever play them again because I have shit to do in real life. Also, fuck any single player game that doesn’t have cheat codes.
Tomorrow: Trump installs loyalist with zero qualifications as head of FCC.