nvim for smaller projects, and vscode for larger ones mostly. Both because they’re very extensible, support a lot of languages and language servers, and are quick to load files.
Video gamer and programmer. Talk to me about Master Duel!
nvim for smaller projects, and vscode for larger ones mostly. Both because they’re very extensible, support a lot of languages and language servers, and are quick to load files.
Obviously, the multinational billion dollar company would see the error of their ways in that period of time
True, the antics of a social media site shouldn’t really be the focus of this community
I thought linking to the original would be more useful than an implementation, you’re right though
Congrats 🎉
I feel like it’s kind of a mix of both. It’s definitely a hassle to use and check as a user, but I think part of the reason it is is because sites just treat it as an extra thing rather than integrate it into their service
Isn’t that what we’ve already been using gpg for? More communication sites should implement it
Glad I could help, then 😆
Probably Thai or Italian. Love me my noodles.