This. I’m a computer programmer, never been in a union, but after twenty years of startups I cannot believe how good it is to be at a small, stable, employee owned company.
Only looking back do I realize that the people doing the actual work were never in control, and just how damaging that is.
To pour you life and soul into building something (time, and time again), and then have it taken away from you again, and again.
Never going back.
Well, not necessarily, right? It could be funded any number of ways, but on YT you’re locked in to either watching their ads, or paying their premium.
Well yes, this is the problem isn’t it:
I’ve been really enjoying, but yes, I wish they’d built it on top of PeerTube.
A lemmy for video streaming
Ask and you shall receive:
There are even companies springing up who will run and host it for you, for a price, of course.
Confirmed 😄